Saturday 4 June 2011

Afghanistan: Suicide blast kills top police commander

The police commander for northern Afghanistan has been killed in a suicide bomb attack on the provincial governor’s compound in Takhar.

General Mohammad Daud Daud is one of at least six people killed in the attack, claimed by the Taliban.

Two German soldiers were killed and General Markus Kneip, commander of foreign troops in north Afghanistan, wounded.

Afghanistan has seen a series of attacks in recent months by militants on police and military targets.

Takhar provincial Governor Abdul Jabar Taqwa is among those wounded, officials said.

General Daud was former military commander of the Northern Alliance, the Afghan forces who fought the Taliban.

Police uniform

The latest attack will be seen as significant because it has struck an area of the country’s north which has been seen as relatively secure.

One intelligence official who survived the attack in Taloqan told the BBC’s Bilal Sarwary that General Daud had left a meeting and was heading to the second floor of the building when there was a huge explosion.

“There was fire. Daud and the police chief of Takhar province were laying on the ground. There were shouts and crying. There was chaos all over the place,” the official said.

Intelligence officials said General Daud had been warned about a threat to his life and that security was extremely tight.

However, the attacker was wearing a police uniform and passed several security checks.

Gen Daud was in charge of all interior ministry forces in northern Afghanistan and is the most senior figure to be killed so far in a Taliban “spring offensive”.

He was highly thought of by Nato because he got the job done, correspondents say.

Last week he told our correspondent, Bilal Sarwary: ”The Haqqanis and Taliban groups have tried to offer money to some of the police. Some of my guards.

I am very vigilant. I have made a lot of changes in my movements and who guards the front and rear of the my headquarters. But I have to travel all over northern Afghanistan, to different provinces. I can’t stop doing this.”

General Daud was a former deputy interior minister for narcotics.

He also served as the bodyguard to Ahmad Shah Massoud, who commanded the Northern Alliance.

At least six people were killed in the explosion, including General Daud and the provincial police chief Shah Jahan Nuri.

At least 10 Afghans were injured, including the governor, he added.

Early reports said three German soldiers had been killed, but this was later corrected to two, with three wounded.

A spokesman for the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) confirmed that General Kneip was in the compound at the time but “was not killed”.

German troops are based in neighbouring Kunduz province, and have oversight of Takhar.

The province was until recently a relatively quiet area of Afghanistan, but tensions rose in May after a Nato-led night raid in Taloqan which killed four people.

A crowd of 2,000 people took to the streets to protest against the attack, claiming the victims were civilians.

Nato said the group were insurgents.

Police opened fire on the demonstrators, killing 12 people and wounding 80.

A smaller protest the following day saw the provincial police chief’s compound attacked.

Analysis, Lyse Doucet BBC News

Powerful, charismatic, controversial – General Daud played a critical role as Afghan forces prepare to take over from Isaf in key cities this year.

When I last saw him in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif in March, he was calm and confident as he organised a major security operation during Nawroz (New Year) celebrations.

Despite reports of suicide bombers in the city, there were no attacks. But he came under criticism weeks later when the UN compound was stormed by a violent mob.

There were persistent allegations he played a key role in the drugs trade he was meant to stop. But his charm and capabilities won him allies among foreign forces – although some expressed suspicion there was an “agenda” of greater autonomy for the North.

The attack will heighten concerns over the Taliban’s campaign to assassinate key Afghan figures.

Friday 3 June 2011

Cyber-attack hits Lockheed Martin

Hits new cyber-attack NewsUS argument Lockheed Martin Lockheed MartinBBC said he has been a major cyber attack, which took place last week? Re. Few of? Details? Taient available, but Lockheed ad? Clar? his team to s? SAFETY? had to? detected? the threat and quickly before? ? that any of its programs. . . Lockheed Martin introduced a new era of Internet? Attack signal EspionagePCWorldLockheed Martin d? Detects “significant” attack against information networkCNN international “cyber-attack on Tenacious LockheedDenver postnews York Times Los Angeles Times Wall Street Journalall 605 new items?

Thursday 2 June 2011

Nose attack great Dane owner cleared

The owner of a great Dane which injured a delivery driver&039;s nose has been found not guilty of allowing it to be dangerously out of control.

Stephen McQuiggin needed operations to rebuild his ce after the attack in Chester-le-Street, County Durham.


Carol Crawford, of Flodden Close,Monster headphones Dre Dre Headphones said it happened when Mr McQuiggin was on a neighbour&039;s drive,bc job listi Bc Agrifadural Job Lisclvaniwarygs. not the footpath.

For her to be guilty it had to be in a public place, and she was cleared by the jury at Durham Crown Court.

The 47-year-old never disputed that Mr McQuiggin had been injured, but said it could have been caused by the dog&039;s paw on jumping up.

Earlier in the hearing she wept as she told the cournoset how police told her the beloved pet would be taken away and destroyed following the incident in September 2010.

She will now be reunited with the animal Dr Dre headphone Dr Dre headphone, which had been placed with the Great Dane Adoption Society in Lincolnshire.

Speaking outside court, solicitor Ian Wilson said his client was "delighted" with the result.

"All the way through Carol has not denied there has been an injury caused,monster beats monster cable " he said.

"The dispute was whether or not the dog was in its own property or not.

"Obviously,monster scam. in coming to their decision, the jury has concluded what Carol has been saying was the truth."

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Wednesday 1 June 2011

Deadly cucumbers claim more lives

Deadly cucumbers claim more lives BBC News The death toll in Germany from an outbreak of E.coli caused by infected cucumbers has risen to at least 10. The cucumbers, believed to have been imported from Spain, were infected with a severe complication of E.coli called hemolytic-uremic syndrome … EU health body says German E. coli outbreak serious Reuters India E. coli outbreak spreading, Spain resists blame AFP E. coli outbreak spreads Hindustan Times

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Android app now available

Good news for Android fans in the UK. The BBC has just announced that from today, a BBC News app for Android devices will be available to download for free from the Android Market place.

Whilst an iOS app has been available for almost a year, this is the first time Android users have been able to access BBC news content from an official app. Third-party versions have been available up to this point.

The iPhone and iPad version of the app has secured nearly 3 million downloads in the UK alone, and a further 3 million internationally over the past 10 months. Whilst the Android app will only be available to UK users at first, BBC Worldwide will soon be launching an international version of the app for audiences around the globe.

The Android app is now available on all Android phones and tablets running software versions 1.6 and above, but Honeycomb tablets (Android 3.0) won’t yet be supported. In-story video is supported on Android versions 1.6 and above, whilst live streaming of the BBC News channel is possible on versions 2.2 and above which run Flash.

Video on the app will be accessible to both Flash and non-Flash enabled devices, using WiFi or3G connections.

The app lets you choose your news. It delivers UK and international news, business, politics, health, education, science and environment, technology and entertainment stories, as well as correspondent features and analysis. It also lets you share statistics (or not…) and select your update frequency. Here’s a few screenshots of the app:

The Android app also lets you share news across a range of platforms:

BBC News has been available to access on mobile phones via browsers for about 9 years. But since the launch of the Apple iOS app last year, it’s clear there is a big demand for a dedicated app.

The news that an Android app is now available is perhaps a little overdue, given that Android is the most popular platform for smartphones, but better late than never. And we’ll give the app a good going-over and see what else it can do.

Saturday 28 May 2011

Top Stories - Oil Company Tax Breaks May be Repealed

Dayton's News Source :: Top Stories
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate is taking up a bill that would
repeal about $2 billion a year in tax breaks for the five biggest
oil companies.
   The vote Tuesday evening is expected to fail, but Senate
Democrats hope to build the case to include the measure in a
deficit-reduction package being negotiated by key lawmakers and the
Obama administration.
   Senate Republicans and some Democrats, mainly from oil-producing
states, oppose the tax increases.
   The heads of the five oil companies defended the tax breaks at a
Senate hearing last week, saying they just want the same tax
advantages enjoyed by other industries. The companies are Shell Oil
Co., ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, BP America and Chevron Corp.
   A GOP measure designed to increase offshore drilling is
scheduled for a Senate vote on Wednesday.

Friday 27 May 2011

Costa Rica rejects complaints over news stories

Panama complaints against a Costa Rican news source that carried stories of alleged drug smuggling by a relative of President Ricardo Martinelli, have been rejected.

The stories appeared in Mi Pais in June last year, and said the Panama government, threatened diplomatic relations between the neighboring countries.

Bur Costa Rica’s Attorney General has rejected the complaint sent by former Attoreny General Guiseppe Bonissi stating that the paper was found to have broken no law.

Thursday 26 May 2011

FBI’s Top Ten News Stories for the Week Ending May 13, 2011

  • New York: New York Hedge Fund Billionaire Convicted on Insider Trading Charges

    Raj Rajaratnam was found guilty in federal court of conspiracy and securities fraud crimes stemming from his involvement in the largest hedge fund insider trading scheme in history.
    Full Story

  • Richmond: ‘Grandad Bandit’ Sentenced to 25 Years for Robbing 26 Banks in 14 States

    Michael Francis Mara, aka the “Grandad Bandit,” was sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment and was ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $83,868 for robbing 26 banks in 14 states.
    Full Story

  • Springfield: Illinois Man Sentenced for Plotting to Bomb Federal Courthouse

    Michael C. Finton, aka Talib Islam, pled guilty to attempting to bomb the federal courthouse in Springfield in September 2009 and was sentenced to serve 28 years in prison.
    Full Story

  • Los Angeles: California Man Sentenced in Scheme to Smuggle Surface-to-Air Missiles Into U.S.

    Yi Qing Chen was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison after being convicted on a series of federal charges related to schemes to smuggle many items into the United States, including surface-to-air missiles designed to shoot down aircraft.
    Full Story

  • Kansas City: Uzbek Man Sentenced in Multi-National Racketeering and Forced Labor Enterprise

    Uzbek national Abrorkhodja Askarkhodjaev was sentenced to 12 years in prison for his role as the leader of an illicit enterprise that engaged in numerous criminal activities, including forced labor, fraud in foreign labor contracting, visa fraud, mail fraud, identity theft, tax evasion, and money laundering.
    Full Story

  • San Juan/New Haven: Fugitive Wanted for 25 Years Arrested in Puerto Rico

    Norberto Gonzalez-Claudio, who has been a fugitive from justice for the past 25 years, was arrested in Cayey, Puerto Rico. Gonzalez-Claudio was wanted in connection with his participation in the armed robbery of approximately $7 million from a Wells Fargo Depot in Hartford, Conn.
    Full Story

  • Chicago: Two Illinois Men Charged in $16 Million Investment Fraud Scheme

    Michael Morawski and Frank Constant, who operated a now-defunct real estate investment company, were charged in Chicago with engaging in an alleged investment fraud scheme that obtained more than $16 million from more than 300 investors.
    Full Story

  • Philadelphia: Chiropractor Sentenced in Phony Accident Scheme

    Dr. Stephen Rios was sentenced to four years in prison in connection with a scheme to defraud insurance companies by staging phony automobile accidents.
    Full Story

  • Houston: Former Houston Gas Trader Sentenced to Prison in $7.9 Million Wire Fraud Case

    Former Houston gas trader Stephanie Roqumore was sentenced to six years in prison without parole for defrauding numerous natural gas trading companies of nearly $8 million.
    Full Story

  • Newark: Two Former Executives of Athletic Equipment Company Charged with  Extensive Fraud on New Jersey Schools
  • Wednesday 25 May 2011

    Bin-Laden’s Death One of Top News Stories of 21th Century

    Rise of China Still Tops all Stories

    Royal Wedding breaks in at No. 5; Obama top mover (+4)

    AUSTIN, Texas May 6, 2011 – The Top News Stories of the 21st century have been shuffled by the historic events of the still young 2011, according to the Austin-based Global Language Monitor. The death of Osama bin-Laden, the Royal Wedding, between Prince William and the former Kate Middleton, the unprecedented series of Japanese disasters, and the series of uprisings now known as the the Arab Spring have all broken into the Top Ten.

    The on-going rise of China to first-tier nation status continues as No. 1. The election of Barack Obama to the US presidency moved up to the second spot, followed by the death of bin-Laden, and the springing of the Wikileaks followed. The Royal Wedding pushed ahead of the death of Michael Jackson and also replaced Jackson as top celebrity-driven event of the century thus far. The 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Japanese Disasters, the Arab Spring and the Global Economic Restructuring rounded out the Top Ten.

    The acceleration of the news cycle has been a long-observed fact, however the acceleration of the news itself can also be viewed as unprecedented,” said Paul JJ Payack, President and the Chief Word Analyst of Austin-based Global Language Monitor.“

    The full list of the Top 20 News Stories of the 21st century thus far follows. The includes the story and its rank, the year the story first broke, its ranking in 1999 and its movement (if any).

    Rank of Story, Year the Story Began, Last Ranking in 2009 and Movement

    1. Rise of China 2000 1 (Same)

    2. Election of Barack Obama 2008 6 (+4)

    3. Bin-laden Killed 2011 New —

    4. Wikileaks Published 2010 New —

    5. Royal Wedding British 2011 New —

    6. Death of Michael Jackson 2009 5 (-1)

    7. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks 2001 3 (-4)

    8. Japanese Disasters 2011 2011 New —

    9. Arab Spring 2011 New —

    10. Global Economic Restructuring 2008 7 (-3)

    11. War on Terror 2001 4 (-7)

    12. Iraq War 2003 2 (-10)

    13. Hurricane Katrina 2005 8 (-5)

    14. Social Media as Strategic Weapon 2011 New —

    15. South Asian Tsunami 2004 12 (-3)

    16. Osama bin-Laden Search 2001 15 (-1)

    17. iPad Launch 2010 New —

    18. Death of Pope John Paul II 2005 14 (-4)

    19. War against Taliban 2002 13 (-6)

    20. War in Afghanistan 2002 9 (-11)

    GLM employed it NarrativeTracker Technology in analyzing the data. NarrativeTracker first focused on the number of citations found the Internet, blogosphere, and social media sites. The second focused on the top 75,000 print and electronic media sites. Finally, the two analyses were normalized.

    Tuesday 24 May 2011

    Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News

    Veterans!  Here’s your Top 10 News stories of the day compiled from the latest sources

    We encourage you to browse our list so that you can take what you want and keep what you need

    1. Coalition Seeks to Raise Awareness and Help Returning Vets.  Fox News (blog)

    Gillibrand from leaving Washington to reveal the details of her plan at a roundtable discussion, but veterans’ advocacy organizations, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, New York City leaders and corporate interests joined together to talk about …

    2. Troops in Mideast Have More Respiratory Ills, Data Show.  Wall Street Journal…The US Department of Veterans Affairs has asked the Institute of Medicine, an agency that advises the government on policy, to assess the health risks of burn pits. The report is expected later this year. The 2010 National Defense Authorization Act …


    3. Innovative Boston Program to Help Paralyzed Veterans Secure Good Jobs. PR Newswire (press release)  … based at VA Boston Healthcare System, West Roxbury Division. It is being established through an innovative public-private partnership between Paralyzed Veterans of America, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and Activision’s Call of Duty Endowment.


    4. RecruitMilitary to Present Civilian Jobs/Opportunities Expo for Veterans. PRLog.Org… the National Veterans Employment Program (NVEP) of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Prudential Insurance Company, St. Augustine University, Sanford Brown, Southern Career College, Strayer University, Team Industrial Services Inc., …


    5. Let veteran service officers pick board.  The Board of Veterans Affairs should be appointed by a group composed of all county veterans service officers and state-recognized veterans organizations, such as the VFW, American Legion, Disabled Veterans and others. These people are the ones who are …


    6. Brecksville Veterans Administration campus ends 50 years of care.  Plain Dealer (blog)…”Brecksville has been a wonderful institution that has provided terrific care to thousands of veterans, but the physical plant is old and doesn’t allow us to provide state-of-the-art care to our veteran population,” said Susan Fuehrer, director of the …

    7. Honor a Connecticut Veteran for Memorial Day.  The current head of the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs, Dr. Linda S. Schwartz, is the president of the Connecticut State Veterans Memorial group. Dr. Schwartz, herself a Vietnam War veteran, is the first woman to head the state vets’ group …


    8. Family of disabled veteran relocates to be near treatment.  Glens Falls Post-Star…Looking to halve the distance to Albany and give their son greater access to Veterans Affairs occupational and physical therapists, the Ryans have begun constructing a home in Lake George. Eddie Ryan and his family spent much of their summers in Lake …

    9. NH Veterans Home to get $4.3 million for upgrades.  Boston Globe  US Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki says the money will ensure New Hampshire veterans receive the top-notch care they have earned through their military service. Last year the Tilton home cared for 242 veterans of World War II and the Korean …


    10. Future of Knoxville VA buildings being decided in Washington, DC.  Radio Iowa  The future of the former Knoxville veterans hospital should be decided sometime in the next couple of months after three groups recently made presentations to the US Department of Veterans Affairs. …

    Saturday 21 May 2011

    Rajinikanth Died news rumours are false

    "Rajinikanth dead" was one of the top Twitter trends Friday afternoon, all because of a false rumour circulating about superstar's death. Rajinikanth, Rajinikanth dead, Rajinikanth death, Rajinikanth health, Rajinikanth latest news, were also the top most searched keywords on Google India.

    Although later, Dismissing reports about his deteriorating health as rumours, the family of superstar Rajnikanth today said he was fine and had to take some rest following his recent hospitalisation.

    Rajinikanth death rumours are false, says family. Online reports suggested that the 60-year-old actor, who was hospitalised recently with allergic bronchitis and viral infection, was in critical condition.

    Recently, Rajnikanth was admitted to a private hospital for allergic bronchitis and viral fever, just a week after he was admitted in the same hospital for exhaustion.

    Friday 20 May 2011

    All the things about determing the best jeans for men

    There are lots of variations you could use when purchasing jeans. Several of the most popular options are usually straight leg, bootcut, as well as low rise.

    A straight leg design will look good on everyone. They go “straight” from the waistline toward the ground and don’t taper as well as flare. They will also help make your entire body appear more slim and cover up any issue spots. That is why, they are perfect for most body styles, skinny to full or wide. Look for low-rise jeans in a darker wash to have an excellent style. Finding a pair with a small fade around the pocket towards the knee area creates an elegant and stylish look. You can purchase denim jeans that will be versatile enough to use with dress shirts, t-shirts, sweat shirts, and just about any top you have.

    Bootcut jeans create a really dressy look and feel. They’re perfect for donning together with sports shoes or boots because they tumble from your midsection and flare somewhat at the hem. This provides for your jeans to support larger sized footwear. Guys bootcut jeans look great with button-up shirts, t-shirts, or even sweaters. Their fit makes them great to put on to work, to a celebration, or to a bit more formal function. Colors to think about are usually dark, grey, or another dark denim. Partnering these kinds of denim jeans with a short boot and a cardigan results in a classy appearance. Bootcut jeans can provide you with the look of a broader figure should you be slim and in addition they help lengthen your thighs.

    Lower rise denims generate a rather laid back fit. They stay lower than straight or even bootcut denims, but it is very relaxing on the waistline and sides. Almost all low rise jeans have a traditional detail about the back pockets. Low rise denim jeans look really good together with T-Shirts and footwear to get a laid back appearance, but can even be far more dressier by using a belt, dress top, and sports shoes. A grey or perhaps brownish finish helps to supply you with an old-fashioned appearance, whilst a dark wash together with contrasting stitching is incredibly modern day and elegant. Look for designer denim jeans in low rise variations, and most are often recognizeable with the pants pocket style and washes.

    As you can possibly notice, a jean wash truly identifies the sort of look you’re heading for. The best jeans for men generally are a darker wash. Even so, numerous jeans don’t really need to be a dark wash to look excellent. A light coloured wash with a gentle shaded shirt is usually ideal for sunny days and nights. For that extra proper look, a darker wash would certainly become your best choice – similar to a set of dark slacks. Besides the washes, you don’t need to shell out a small fortune on designer label jeans. Different internet sites generally have sales on previous years looks, and whilst these are still expensive for anyone who is accustomed to buying $20 jeans, the quality is superb. Bestjeansmen usually features excellent product sales guidance, and is also where I actually acquired alot of this information from. Each of the major online retailers, and local shops, have product sales each day so you can locate a $200 pair of jeans for $89 or even less!

    In general, there’s no need to splurge for making yourself look great. Any type of darkish jeans results in an extremely sophisticated look and can work in nearly every circumstance. For that night out and about, or even attending work, a pair of jeans can go a long way. Next time you happen to be out and about buying and looking for a pair of jeans, keep in mind these few helpful suggestions.

    Best Jeans, Men, Clothing, Jeans all at

    Thursday 19 May 2011

    Fear Of Friday 13th Called Friggatriskaidekaphobia – Medical News Today

    The Friggatriskaidekaphobia phenomenon is a phobia for Friday 13th, a superstition that has existed for hundreds of years in virtually every corner of the world. In India’s movie industry, they try to avoid releasing new films on Friday 13th because of a fear it will do badly. Even stock markets around the world tend to see less activity on this date. Typically, airlines also report a drop in passengers.

    If you derive comfort from stroking a rabbit’s foot for good luck, or blow away an eyelash and make a wish, today might not be a good day for you. For those who have Friggatriskaidekaphobia, today is a particularly unpleasant day.

    Chair of the Department of Psychology at Cornell University, Thomas Gilovich says some people are afraid of this date because they link it to unpleasant things or events in their life.

    Gilovich said:

    “The mind is an associative system and if anything bad happens to you on Friday the 13th, the two will be forever associated in your mind and all those uneventful days in which the 13th fell on a Friday will be ignored.”

    Through psychology, Gilovish says, we can better understand the workings of superstitions and why people do certain things and behave in a particular way.

    Between 17 and 21 million Americans have a phobia of Friday 13th, according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in North Carolina.

    Gilovich stresses that there is no evidence whatsoever linking Friday 13th to bad luck or unpleasant events.

    Gilovich added:

    “”People hold a number of beliefs without understanding the basis behind them or where they came from.”

    Apparently, interior designers and architects tend not to label the 13th floor of a building.

    Psychology professor, Harvard University, Daniel Wegner has been researching into why some people see causal connections, especially when none exists.

    Wegner said:

    “Our minds cause our actions and other things that happen in the world. It seems that we often believe we are powerful causal agents just because we happen to think of something before it happens!”

    Often in sports, Wegner explains, people who think about certain things before they occur, can eventually believe that they were the driving force behind their occurrence. Wegner said:

    “This is why sports fans fear going to the refrigerator because then their team might lose on TV. If they’re not actively rooting for their team and thinking good thoughts, maybe they will be the ones who tip the balance towards the loss. Or at least, feel that they did.”

    According to the Dutch Centre for Insurance Statistics, fewer accidents and fires occur on Friday 13th, probably because people are more careful or just stay at home.

    Wednesday 18 May 2011

    Citizens Community Bank Declares 10% Stock Dividend

    SOUTH HILL, Va. , Mау 12, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Citizens Community Bank (OTC:CZYB. ob – News) announced today аt іtѕ annual shareholder’s meeting thаt thе Board οf Directors declared a 10% stock dividend οn thе bank’s common stock outstanding. Thе stock dividend wіll bе paid tο shareholders οf record аѕ οf June 15, 2011. Thе dividend wіll bе issued іn thе form οf additional shares οf stock, аnd wіll boost shares outstanding bу approximately 136,500 shares.

    President аnd CEO Thomas C. Manson stated, “Wе аrе рlеаѕеd ουr Board voted tο declare a stock dividend fοr ουr shareholders. Given ουr financial strength аnd confidence οn thе future performance οf thе bank, wе believe a stock dividend wаѕ thе apt reward fοr ουr shareholders аt thіѕ time. Wе want tο thank ουr shareholders, employees аnd communities fοr thеіr support. ”

    Citizens Community Bank іѕ a Virginia state chartered bank headquartered іn South Hill, Va.  Opened іn December 1999, іt operates four twigs, three іn south central Virginia аnd one іn northern North Carolina. Fοr more information аnd additional financial data, please visit www. ccbsite. com.

    Thіѕ press release contains “forward-looking statements” thаt interest future events whісh аrе subject tο risks аnd uncertainties.  Anу such statements аrе based οn сеrtаіn assumptions аnd analyses bу thе Bank аnd οthеr factors іt believes аrе apt іn thе circumstances.  Thе Bank’s real results, events аnd developments mау differ materially frοm those contemplated bу аnу forward-looking statement. 

    Tuesday 17 May 2011

    National African American Breast Cancer Conference Starts Today

    breast cancer sisters network african american conference

    BATON ROUGE, La. — Sisters Network Incorporated, the only national African American breast cancer survivor organization in the country, will kick off its 12th annual National African American Breast Cancer conference today in Baton Rouge.

    A pioneer in the African American breast cancer awareness movement, Sisters Network hosts the only national conference specifically addressing the devastating impact of breast cancer among African American women. The conference attracts over 400 participants, including breast cancer survivors and non-survivors from around the United States, nationally recognized medical experts, elected officials and the general community.

    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among African-American women. Research shows  20,000 newly diagnosed cases of breast cancer are expected to occur among African-American women, and over 5,000 are expected to die from the disease.

    Saturday 14 May 2011

    Thai, Cambodian PMs to meet on border clashes

     S. Jayakumar, Abhisit Vejjajiva, Nguyen Tan Dung, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Hun Sen, Hassanal Bolkiah, Thongsing Thammavong

    S. Jayakumar, Abhisit Vejjajiva, Nguyen Tan Dung, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Hun Sen, Hassanal Bolkiah, Thongsing Thammavong– Photo: AP

    Photo by AP

    S. Jayakumar, Abhisit Vejjajiva, Nguyen Tan Dung, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Hun Sen, Hassanal Bolkiah, Thongsing Thammavong

    S. Jayakumar, Abhisit Vejjajiva, Nguyen Tan Dung, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Hun Sen, Hassanal Bolkiah, Thongsing Thammavong – Photo by AP

    S. Jayakumar, Abhisit Vejjajiva, Nguyen Tan Dung, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Hun Sen, Hassanal Bolkiah

    S. Jayakumar, Abhisit Vejjajiva, Nguyen Tan Dung, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Hun Sen, Hassanal Bolkiah – Photo by AP

    Thein Sein, Benigno Aquino III, Abhisit Vejjajiva

    Thein Sein, Benigno Aquino III, Abhisit Vejjajiva – Photo by AP

    Hassanal Bolkiah, Benigno Aquino III, Thongsing Thammavong, Najib Razak

    Hassanal Bolkiah, Benigno Aquino III, Thongsing Thammavong, Najib Razak – Photo by AP

    Benigno Aquino III, Abhisit Vejjajiva

    Benigno Aquino III, Abhisit Vejjajiva – Photo by AP

    Nguyen Tan Dung, Abhisit Vejjajiva

    Nguyen Tan Dung, Abhisit Vejjajiva – Photo by AP

    Abhisit Vejjajiva, Benigno Aquino III

    Abhisit Vejjajiva, Benigno Aquino III – Photo by AP

    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Thein Sein

    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Thein Sein – Photo by AP

    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono – Photo by AP

    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono – Photo by AP

    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

    Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono – Photo by AP

    Photo by AP

    Photo by AP

    S. Jayakumar, Abhisit Vejjajiva, Nguyen Tan Dung, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Hun Sen, Hassanal Bolkiah, Thongsing Thammavong

    S. Jayakumar, Abhisit Vejjajiva, Nguyen Tan Dung, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Hun Sen, Hassanal Bolkiah, Thongsing Thammavong – Photo by AP

    More Photos (1 of 13)

    JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — The prime ministers of Thailand and Cambodia agreed to meet with Indonesia's president at a summit of Southeast Asian leaders to try to find a way to end repeated deadly clashes along their disputed border, officials said.

    The border issue dominated the mood at the annual meeting that also had Myanmar's bid to become chair of the regional grouping high on the agenda.

    Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono opened the two-day summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, which is supposed to focus on steps needed to create an integrated regional economic zone by 2015.

    But little can be accomplished, he said, without peace and stability between the 10 member countries.

    To that end, Yudhoyono will host a meeting between the Cambodian and Thai prime ministers Sunday to try to hammer out a lasting cease-fire to end repeated outbreaks of fighting that have killed more than a dozen people over two weeks and forced nearly 100,000 villagers to flee.

    Though agreement by both sides to accept mediation was a good sign — Thailand has previously said the matter must be resolved directly between it and Cambodia — it's unclear how much can be accomplished given the acrimony.

    The two sides came up with preconditions Friday for sending Indonesian observers to the border, but Cambodia quickly lambasted a request by Thailand to first remove troops from its own side of the frontier.

    "Can you imagine that Cambodia withdraw from their own territory? It's nonsense!" Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong told reporters at the summit Saturday.

    Other security concerns on the table were terrorism following the death of Osama bin Laden and tensions over the potentially oil-rich Spratly islands claimed by China and four ASEAN nations — a dispute that worries the U.S. as well.

    Philippine Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario told reporters that during the ministerial meeting, he raised the need for ASEAN to end a nine-year disagreement with China that has prevented both sides from completing the guidelines of a 2002 accord aimed at preventing armed conflicts over the Spratlys.

    The guidelines would allow China and other claimant countries — Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam — to pursue joint development projects to ease tensions in the South China Sea region.

    Meanwhile, Myanmar's president, Thein Sein, who heads the military-backed party that overwhelmingly won general elections late last year, was expected to ask for the right to chair ASEAN in 2014.

    Some countries say Myanmar is ready, but others argue that, despite the recent release of pro-democracy leader Ang Sang Suu Kyi, the government has not yet done enough to improve human rights.

    Myanmar still has more than 2,000 political prisoners.

    The regional grouping is supposed to rotate its chair every year between member countries — Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

    However, Myanmar was forced to skip its turn in 2005 after coming under heavy pressure from the international community over slow progress on national reconciliation and human rights.

    Friday 13 May 2011

    Syrian Troops Raid Damascus Suburb


    The Syrian government’s crackdown on anti-government protesters has moved to the capital, Damascus . Hundreds of troops stormed a neighborhood, breaking down doors and arresting close to 300 people. That brings the number of citizens detained to about 25-hundred. Human rights groups say the actual number could be much higher. Activists are vowing a “Day of Defiance” on Friday.

    Wednesday 11 May 2011

    World Snowboarding Championships Qualifying News

    05 May 2011 • (Oslo, May 2011) It’s the end of the Northern Hemisphere winter season, and before we turn heads to the south, lets recap the qualifications to the World Snowboarding Championships.  It has only been on for a few months, but already 24 riders from 10 nations are qualified. Some by winning TTR 6 star events, some by winning national championships and other by national quota from their WSF federation. The rooster is a great mix of established superstars like Peetu Piiroien, Mark McMorris, Jamie Anderson, Kazu Kokubo and Eric Willet, and upcoming talents for all over the world. Not to forget the winner of the WSF Rookie Finals: Emil André Ulsletten.

    The global reach of snowboarding is truly documented this early in the qualification process. The riders come from USA, Japan, Russia, South Korea, Finland, Norway, Great Britan, Canada, Czech Republic and Italy. When the qualification is done, 240 riders from 30 countries will be battling out for snowboarding’s most prestigious titles in Oslo, February 2012. This is a powerful demonstration of snowboarding’s global reach, and the winners will be true world champions.

    As a reminder, there are 5 ways to qualify: By winning TTR 6 star events, by being TTR top 50 men or Top 30 women after Burton European Open 2012, by receiving a wildcard, by national quota and by being TTR World Tour Champion the last three seasons. All participants must be among TTR Top 500 men and Top 250 Women by the end of Burton European Open 2012. It’s a fair and open rider entry protocol with equal opportunities for all. The wild card portion is under 5% of the starting field.

    TTR has created a 52 weeks rollover discipline ranking starting and ending with European Open, that serves as the main qualification tool. It is published both at the TTR website and . Here you will see the riders that currently have made the cut marked in red. The challengers marked in grey. As the TTR ranking is becoming more and more relevant, it will be a qualification drama peaking at the Burton European Open 2012. Compared to previous years, it now requires solid results to make it into TTR top 50. Yale Cousino, currently holding the 50th position on the slopestyle rank, has only posted 4, 5 and 6 star results. Number 30 on that same ranking, Sven Thorgren, has a 8th place in the 6 star Burton European Open as one of his results.

    The ongoing qualification will be a great sports drama, and we expect it will increase rider interest for all upcoming events - and not only 6 star events. Doing good in 5 star events as the New Zealand Open will be crucial for determine your ranking position. All events up till the European Open will count, so don’t miss out on your opportunity to become the true champion of snowboarding!

    Tuesday 10 May 2011

    World News Brief, Friday May 6

    US suspects Pakistan of harbouring bin Laden as Pakistan warns against future raids (+ analysis & multimedia); Syria protesters promise 'day of defiance'; Engineers enter Fukushima reactor for first time; Obama ready to pass trade deals; and more

    Top of the Agenda: White House Withholds Bin Laden Photo

    The White House decided not to release an image depicting the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden (BBC), claiming that it would pose a national security risk and possibly incite retaliatory violence. Analysts say US leaders have been monitoring world reaction amid conspiracy theories about bin Laden's death following conflicting accounts given by the Obama administration. Only a day prior, CIA director Leon Panetta stated that a photo of bin Laden's corpse (FT) would ultimately be released to the public.

    The Wall Street Journal reports that US and European intelligence officials increasingly believe the Pakistani military or intelligence officials provided aid to bin Laden, enabling him to remain hidden in a large compound just a mile from an elite military academy. Analysts claim elements linked to Pakistani intelligence have helped other domestically based terror groups, as well as the Haqqani militant network and Lashkar-e-Taiba.

    Pakistan warned against future raids on suspected fighters, saying they will face consequences from the military. Despite the obvious strains over the bin Laden affair, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States will stand by Pakistan (al-Jazeera) and continue cooperation in the fight against al-Qaeda in that country and Afghanistan.


    While US military efforts in Afghanistan won't be directly affected, bin Laden's death could result in an expedited draw-down schedule, leaving the country open to a Taliban takeover and leading to upheaval in Pakistan, says CFR's Stephen Biddle.

    This CFR issue guide provides background and analysis on the foreign policy implications of the death of Osama bin Laden.

    In the Washington Post, Vali Nasr discusses the implications of the hunt for bin Laden on the relationship between the CIA and Pakistan's ISI, as well as overall US-Pakistani relations.

    Osama bin Laden's death is a real and symbolic blow to al-Qaeda, and its stature in the Middle East is already diminished by the pro-democracy movements in the region, but the group remains lethal. Seven CFR experts discuss.


    Foreign Affairs offers a collection of articles on al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

    This CFR backgrounder on al-Qaeda offers historical insight into the international terrorist organization behind the September 11 attacks.


    See what CFR's Crisis Guide: Pakistan, recent winner of an Overseas Press Club award, has to say about the roots of Pakistan's challenges, what it means for the region and the world, and some plausible futures for the country.

    This interactive timeline from the New York Times provides significant milestones in the life of Osama bin Laden.


    PACIFIC RIM: Workers Enter Fukushima Reactor

    Japanese engineers entered the stricken Fukushima reactor (NYT) for the first time since the March 11 quake and tsunami. The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power, said the workers were attempting to install a ventilator to help lower radiation levels inside the building.

    Australia: Seven detainees at an Australian immigration center (BBC) in Sydney were charged in connection with a riot and fire that destroyed nine buildings. The riot began as a rooftop protest by detainees whose applications for asylum had been rejected and spread to involve nearly one hundred others.

    Friday 6 May 2011

    Sony closing The Agency dev today?

    The studio developing PS3 spy MMO The Agency, Sony Online Entertainment Seattle, may be closed today. Will The Agency be cancelled as a result?

    Duke Nukem creator and 3D Realms co-founder George Broussard broke the news on Twitter.

    "Word that Sony Online Entertainment Seattle is having lay-offs and that studio closure is possible," he tweeted last night.

    "To be more clear, the lay-offs may be SOE wide and not just limited to Seattle. So, Austin, San Diego, etc..." he clarified.

    Hours later, Broussard added: "SOE Seattle and other studios (Denver is rumored) will be closed tomorrow. Good luck to all impacted."

    Following a recent delay, The Agency was given a new release date of late 2011. Eurogamer spoke to Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley in January who insisted that "late this year" was still very much the launch plan.

    Smedley elaborated, telling us there were slightly under 115 people working on the spy-themed MMO, and 50 were to be reserved for post-launch development and patches.

    MMOs are notoriously expensive games to make and, ambitiously, Sony Online Entertainment has (had?) more than one in development: PlanetSide Next, EverQuest Next and The Agency. SOE also has the upkeep of Free Realms and DC Universe Online to see to.

    But they were successful, weren't they? DC Universe Online became SOE's fastest-selling game ever, according to a John Smedley tweet earlier this year. Free Realms, meanwhile, enjoys 17 million registered accounts and has just welcomed a PS3 version across North America (European launch forthcoming).

    Thursday 5 May 2011

    Today In Kids And Food News

    Maybe this should be a Wednesday WTF? I don't know, but I seem to have accumulated a lot of WTF-grade stories about food in my browser tabs:

    I am still trying to figure out what actually happened in the Detroit Applebee's, where a 15-mo toddler's cup was somehow refilled with a pitcher of margaritas, not apple juice. Or something. [yahoo news]

    UPDATE And now a kid's pounding sangria at Olive Garden? At what point do we realize that the problem is us, America? And by us, I mean you, the fruity cocktail-drinkin' highway chain restaurant-goin' rest of you? Why can't you be more like Dadwagon, and drink all your fiery, nasty liquor straight out of the bottle?

    In some kind of healthy eating/anti-obesity kick, a couple of public schools in Chicago are banning lunches brought from home. I will note that yeah, I have seen a kid in kindergarten open up his lunchbox and take out a box of Froot Loops and a bag of Fritos, but for the most part, the homemade lunches I see are like organic feasts. YMMV, but the food industry shill is opposed to it. [chicagotribune via dt reader sara]

    On the other hand, maybe this is the right time to finally post the study I found way back in January: Salt, Sugar And Fat Preferred By Preschool Kids" Oh, "And, researchers say, young kids learn quickly what brands deliver the goods." []

    Wednesday 4 May 2011

    On waking up to today's news

    Being in the UK, I got the news about Osama bin Ladin's death earlier than a lot of folks in the States. The news here showed President Obama making the announcement, and then shifted to American college students reveling outside the White House, shouting, chanting "USA" and spilling beer. I flipped through channels and saw the same scene repeated.

    I can only say that this image does not reflect well on my country, especially in contrast to the images that have been so strong here in recent days ... revelers celebrating a wedding.

    Joyfully celebrating the killing of a killer who joyfully celebrated killing carries an irony that I hope will not be lost on us. Are we learning anything, or simply spinning harder in the cycle of violence?

    I just got this email from an American friend:

    ... When I received the news of his death, I must confess that my primary emotion was not excitement, but sadness...deep sadness that his life did not reflect reflect God's intent for the world...deep sadness as I anticipated the rhetoric that awaited me on Facebook, the internet, and TV.

    I do not understand a world that allows for a man to cause so much pain and I do not understand a world that rejoices in the death of that man who just happens to be created in the image of God. I have no answers or alternatives, but it saddens me that the best response we have to true brokenness always seems to be death.

    Perhaps everyone is right. Perhaps the death of Osama Bin Laden has made this world more safe. I do not believe, however, that his death has made this world more beautiful.

    As you talk about this news, I hope you will consider how your response can counter rather than reinforce the cycles of violence that spin around us. And please God, help us bring healing beauty to the ugliness of violence in whatever small way we can. Today.

    Tuesday 3 May 2011

    New Ducati Monster 659 for Australian Learner Riders

    Ducati Australia has announced a new capacity Monster being introduced exclusively for the Australian market and the Learner Approved Motorcycle Scheme (LAMs).
    The new Monster 659 is based on the Monster 696 and shares all the same key features and benefits that has made the 696 a big hit with many riders including; lightweight, easy handling, low seat height and rider friendly V-Twin power delivery.

    “Ducati has produced the new Monster 659 specifically for our market as we want as many Australian Learner rides as possible to have the opportunity to ride a new Ducati” said Warren Lee, CEO – Ducati Australia. “The 659 is based on the 696, already a very popular model with younger, female and less experienced riders, so it was the ideal basis for our LAMs model.”

    As with all new Ducati motorcycles in Australia, the Monster 659 is covered by a 2-Year Unlimited Kilometer Warranty and 24 Roadside and Emergency Assist. So unlike an older or import model, Learner riders can ride the 659 with the absolute confidence and reassurance of a new Ducati and support should it ever be required.

    The Monster 659 is expected to arrive and be on sale from early June with an introductory RRP of $12,990 plus Dealer and Statutory Charges. From late July / early August the Monster 659 with ABS is anticipated to arrive and will have an RRP of $13,990 plus Dealer and Statutory Charges.

    Learner Rider can contact their closest Authorised Ducati Dealer for more information or purchase enquires.

    Friday 29 April 2011

    Child abuse in the News - What do we learn?

    In the last few days and weeks there have been some sensational stories in the news, that bright light shone on issues of abuse and neglect. The sorrow of a child adopted sauce hot and cold showers, the increase of child trafficking around the Super Bowl, a physician, of child rape and sexual assault has been accused of and undercover sting operation, even with child prostitution, last week.

    All have triggered a strong reaction of the public. The case of adopted children from Russia punished with spicy sauce, provoked an international response and led to accusations of child abuse.

    In response, we have seen a public apology. We have seen the moral indignation. We have seen the denial and defensive actions. We have all too often the label of "bad" parents saw. We saw the blame for the failure of system down. And we even saw the refusal of some to acknowledge what happened clearly in front of them.

    But what we have not seen is an overwhelming response of people to take action to prevent the occurrence of such situations in the first place.

    We have seen the responses shocked, but not the desire to prevent abuse. It seems there were many: "This is terrible, but it just is not solve my problem" mentality.

    The only exception is in Delaware. And we can all learn much from what there doing.

    In response to the highly publicized case of a child's doctor of rape and abuse of more than 100 of his patients of the 6,500 children additionally charged with other cases of abuse and neglect reported to the State Department of Services family in 2010, people in the Delaware action.

    More than 900 doctors, nurses, lawyers, social workers, law enforcement agencies and child advocates gathered for a mandatory training and recognition of child abuse. Summit participants learned more about how to recognize and treat child abuse and the large number can grasp it during the lifetime of a person who was subjected to the abuse. The Forum provides a forum for professionals around the state to come together and learn to do more.

    one that increases the penalties because it is child abuse report - but that goes well beyond the state has taken steps in that several bills included in a law. All new laws are designed to strengthen the protection of children.

    So what can we do? A lot.

    The aspect of history to the history of our television and computer screens tell us that abuse is a very real problem in our society. He tells us that "big" stories strong public outrage and disbelief spark.

    But we also know that we take steps to change it.

    It is no longer acceptable to sit and shake his head a task that seems difficult to overcome. We can not be affected and the public debate about child abuse after the fact. We do not have that luxury.

    We, as do the State of Delaware must take steps to prevent these stories before they happen. Before our children were injured. Before their lives affected forever. Children in our communities need us now.

    The stories in the news tell us to recognize that people are more likely to thrive in our communities, we must all recognize and are to be child abuse. Whether physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect - it just is not so acceptable to happen. At all.

    Increasingly recognize that protecting children requires every person in every community - not someone else's problem. It is the responsibility of each individual.

    So what do we do next? Get involved. Each of us can work to our sphere of influence, things to happen.

    There are over 900 children advocacy centers across the country to prevent the hundreds of resources and respond to child abuse have. One example is the National Children's Advocacy Center in Huntsville, Alabama, where model programs and initiatives are developed and disseminated to communities in the United States and around the world.

    We can be responsible in our communities. We can raise public awareness about these stories and others like them, and then use the momentum to raise awareness further and do more.

    It is possible!

    Saturday 9 April 2011

    59 Report on Hoodia Gordonii weight loss supplement


    While there is certainly nothing wrong with staying in contact with the outside world through outlets like the evening news, it's sometimes just the titles that create it in our living room and unfortunately it s not always the whole story. This was the case with Hoodia Gordonii Fox News story that 59 of the number of dietary supplements that have claimed arose, this rare ingredient, Hoodia Gordonii, areas that will help you lose weight quickly and safely run.

    Although accurate, the media sometimes obscure facts to bring you all the stories and with a little extra research, you can use this information to ensure that you are fully informed.

    Fox News has 59 absolutely right when she says that the market will be added for weight loss with counterfeit Hoodia Gordonii overpopulated and it is important to know whether you order properly authentic Hoodia Gordonii find you get the value for your money and get the results . Fox News also has 59 law, as they reported that counterfeit Hoodia Gordonii have been on the ground. They reported that it important to check whether the Hoodia is coming, and to ensure that the country was South Africa.

    If this is true is still very vague and say to verify that you need, whether it is a CITES certificate to be reduced. The certificate you get an exact location where the Hoodia is exported from and you'll know whether it is in South Africa.

    Fox News 59 was also right when she says that by checking the ingredients, you can see what he says, "100% Hoodia Gordonii," and if it says you can be sure that you have the real thing. But there is a catch, too. The fact is that only a certain part of the plant Hoodia Gordonii can be used and, although she will say "100% Hoodia Gordonii," and fully disclose the list of ingredients, if not the appropriate party system is worthless as with other ingredients in it for the filling. To ensure that the only part of the Hoodia, which has been added to your extra weight, he has seen a drug P57. Then you can be really sure that the right look for 100% Hoodia Gordonii you!

    Authentic Hoodia Gordonii is also appropriate medical support that is easy to check. If you are looking at various hoodia products, it should tell you the laboratory where it was tested. If the laboratory is Alkemist Pharmaceuticals, and you can view the documentation on their website, you can also make you a real Hoodia product. It is also important to check the price, but not in the sense you may think.

    In the case of genuine Hoodia Gordonii, it's very expensive to extract and export it for distribution. For this reason, to put a very high price in exchange for this rare ingredient into account. The chances are good that if a product looking for is pretty much on the price you are getting real Hoodia, but of course consider any other options that you only authentic Hoodia Gordonii.

    Want to learn more about the appetite suppressant? So please visit our Web site at http://

    Friday 8 April 2011

    News sources credible


    Recently, Keith Olbermann, on his MSNBC show, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Fox News quoted a "worst person in the world." He claimed that Fox News Channel is unashamedly right-wing propaganda. He also noted that Obama, in a recent television interview (the same interview also revealed that the incident went flying by now infamous, in the swatting to press reports, on MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN and elsewhere speaker shows flying his "outstanding skills ") states that at least one news channel is devoted to undermine his government at any price. Olbermann suggested that the President based on Fox News.

    Back in the day when the Republicans in both houses and the presidency, a period that could be well controlled in history as an age today or Dark Reign of Terror, the Fox News was seen the bastion of credible news. So much so that all other news agencies are terrified even to their authority into question.

    Fox News, the Australian media entrepreneur Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. has had started on the premise that conventional sources such as CNN and network news on the principle of a subtle cultural bias left operated by education and social resultant its journalists. The proposed solution was apparently Fox News Channel coverage of the new so-called "fair and balanced" dedicated. "Fair and balanced" was the slogan, but it turned out to be ironic. Over time, their supposedly objective reports as propaganda on the right side that was pretty blatant pandering to the Bush administration, while they were in power have been exposed.

    This brings us to the new line of MSNBC. MSNBC is a news channel, which is produced as a joint venture, as the name suggests, from Microsoft (the software giant founded by Bill Gates monolithic) and NBC. Their line-up of new items supposedly shows us the alternative to Fox News, but, as is Keith Olbermann, what they really offer us by the propaganda that the Obama administration next flatters proposed.

    The tragic consequence of all this pandering government and corporate bonds propaganda, which is the number one accident in the regular reporting credibility. Where's Woodward and Bernstein are now exposed with its breath-taking corruption in high places? Certainly not any Fox News or MSNBC.

    Perhaps the answer, where do we find credible news source is CNN - and even with the thread facade of objectivity while hiding a subtle tension of the left - which has now appeared on the use of blogs, RSS feeds, Twitter and Facebook posts to their respective reports place completed. CNN encourages you to own home movies on the "iReport" on their website that they show on their video news show for a process of security screening and testing permits submitted. In fact, during the riots in Iran, where traditional journalists were gradually banned and deported by the authoritarian Iranian news agency sources in the west to leave Twitter feeds, blogs and amateur video of the Iranian citizens, their news sources.

    This brings us to the argument that mainstream news organizations have been taken recently against the blogosphere, particularly in the wake of these recent films like State of Play, by Kevin Macdonald directed that the blogosphere is composed mostly amateurs who are out of their depth, while you are looking for advanced Woodward and Bernstein-style reporting in depth, found only in the large news organizations that have the skills and resources available to support this type of reporting.

    The reality - at least two organizations apparently are important messages in the production of party political propaganda that flatters rather shameless politicians while the third is the growing blogosphere dedicated to deliver their news sources. As with Woodward and Bernstein, they are both retired and writes books for a living.

    The moral of this story seems, then, that when looking for the best research journalism, past the news channels and instead you find in the blogosphere!

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