Friday 29 April 2011

Child abuse in the News - What do we learn?

In the last few days and weeks there have been some sensational stories in the news, that bright light shone on issues of abuse and neglect. The sorrow of a child adopted sauce hot and cold showers, the increase of child trafficking around the Super Bowl, a physician, of child rape and sexual assault has been accused of and undercover sting operation, even with child prostitution, last week.

All have triggered a strong reaction of the public. The case of adopted children from Russia punished with spicy sauce, provoked an international response and led to accusations of child abuse.

In response, we have seen a public apology. We have seen the moral indignation. We have seen the denial and defensive actions. We have all too often the label of "bad" parents saw. We saw the blame for the failure of system down. And we even saw the refusal of some to acknowledge what happened clearly in front of them.

But what we have not seen is an overwhelming response of people to take action to prevent the occurrence of such situations in the first place.

We have seen the responses shocked, but not the desire to prevent abuse. It seems there were many: "This is terrible, but it just is not solve my problem" mentality.

The only exception is in Delaware. And we can all learn much from what there doing.

In response to the highly publicized case of a child's doctor of rape and abuse of more than 100 of his patients of the 6,500 children additionally charged with other cases of abuse and neglect reported to the State Department of Services family in 2010, people in the Delaware action.

More than 900 doctors, nurses, lawyers, social workers, law enforcement agencies and child advocates gathered for a mandatory training and recognition of child abuse. Summit participants learned more about how to recognize and treat child abuse and the large number can grasp it during the lifetime of a person who was subjected to the abuse. The Forum provides a forum for professionals around the state to come together and learn to do more.

one that increases the penalties because it is child abuse report - but that goes well beyond the state has taken steps in that several bills included in a law. All new laws are designed to strengthen the protection of children.

So what can we do? A lot.

The aspect of history to the history of our television and computer screens tell us that abuse is a very real problem in our society. He tells us that "big" stories strong public outrage and disbelief spark.

But we also know that we take steps to change it.

It is no longer acceptable to sit and shake his head a task that seems difficult to overcome. We can not be affected and the public debate about child abuse after the fact. We do not have that luxury.

We, as do the State of Delaware must take steps to prevent these stories before they happen. Before our children were injured. Before their lives affected forever. Children in our communities need us now.

The stories in the news tell us to recognize that people are more likely to thrive in our communities, we must all recognize and are to be child abuse. Whether physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect - it just is not so acceptable to happen. At all.

Increasingly recognize that protecting children requires every person in every community - not someone else's problem. It is the responsibility of each individual.

So what do we do next? Get involved. Each of us can work to our sphere of influence, things to happen.

There are over 900 children advocacy centers across the country to prevent the hundreds of resources and respond to child abuse have. One example is the National Children's Advocacy Center in Huntsville, Alabama, where model programs and initiatives are developed and disseminated to communities in the United States and around the world.

We can be responsible in our communities. We can raise public awareness about these stories and others like them, and then use the momentum to raise awareness further and do more.

It is possible!

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