Wednesday 6 April 2011

Logic knows no boundaries, even when it comes to national security


The recent turmoil on the right measures TSA stringent security measures should not be surprising, staggering as it sounds. When conservative commentators calling Afghanistan "Obama's Vietnam" at the very beginning of his presidency, even before he began developing its strategy of war, I realized that there is nothing to do what he can to avoid hypocrisy and malicious attacks from the right. say I liked it when in theory, even if Obama were to adopt conservative policies, the capture of bin Laden, to kill all members of Al Qaeda and open an era of eternal peace, would the Conservatives painting nor him as soft on terrorism, a friend of terrorists, indecisive, and obsessed with the extension of big brother.

It is the story has confirmed to me. The law he was mocked for the implementation of many measures so-called conservatives, such as tax cuts, a program of struggle against terrorism, warmongering and helps small businesses, based on Bush's No Child Left Behind insurance pools create risk to reduce costs in health care and the organization of a bipartisan committee budget deficit . Nothing else matters. The claim that is an exception, that the Republicans by an overwhelming majority for the war in Afghanistan, but to make true, succeeded them, so in a way that the president's plan it opposes to criticize for the development of an exit strategy and a commitment to withdraw its troops as quickly as possible.

In this sense, refers to the New York Times Op-Ed "politicization of the airport security", describes how secure this form of logic FOX News in the pseudo-debate on the TSA's efforts, our airports play. Mike Huckabee has called scanners and pat-downs "unconstitutional" boldly presented against the President, his family to the intrusive procedures, and Governor Rick Perry of Texas thinks TSA agents are held to the Mexican border at airports.

In addition, a popular conservative talk says that we racial profiling instead of "degrading" practices implemented currently in use. This idea was is to be Huckabee, Pete Hoekstra, chairman of the House Committee on Intelligence in January, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin accepted. The latter, one of the most shameful America has ever produced, articulate its support for profiling with Twitter, the Times wrote: "TSA: why two people not politically correct" profile ": security issues, we Natl profile buy private / suspects in other situations Profile!. "

I characterize these "concerns" as FOX News logical because they are shamefully inconsistent and / or truth. Although there is a genuine debate about whether the behaviour of the TSA is unconstitutional, it was just as unconstitutional before Obama became president? While researchers could more often today, the constitutional argument as strong or as weak as it has always been, and the question has never been a major concern for the Conservatives as Huckabee was.

What prompted Rick Perry T.S.A. Priority to securing the Mexican border, the airports, to mention the fundamental absurdity of such a proposal, the government has current 20,000 border guards used agents (compared to 9,000 in 2001) following Bush Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, the 2,000 new officers per year since its introduction. Moreover, Obama has not only confirmed that the total number of orders while reducing the cost of the program, but also 1,200 soldiers of the National Guard for additional help.

The line of racial profiling is particularly funny because apart from being obnoxious, the TSA has already begun in profiling, as the Times said.

As always, the real problem is that the conservatives do not attack Obama. There was a time when politicians realize that national security should trump petty politics. But when the Republicans openly partisan resistance START Treaty with Russia also confirmed that ideal, as the existence of moderate Republicans, is a thing of the past.

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