Thursday 31 March 2011

My Video Talk Launch in USA

My Video Talk is a global company that is officially launching in the USA in April 2011. This is an exciting launch as this company will create new millionaires in the United States. Why? Because they have a generous compensation plan and unique video tools that are in demand as well as a company that is in front of six of the fastest growing trends in the world which includes the internet, online video, web conferencing, e-learning, live video and global network marketing.

Effective communication is of vital importance in conducting business and businesses are looking for better ways to communicate with their clients. Video provides the answers with people losing interest in reading content and text, they are suffering with information overload and many simply skim information that is printed. The use of video can enhance the consumers' attention in order for them to devote more time in learning about a product or service being presented to them.

My Video Talk provides some of the best video communication technologies available today. The different products are gaining popularity all over the world. So where does the company originate from? Team Effort International established My Video Talk in 2002. Giving the company a nine year record and worldwide presence with a lot of offices in different parts of the world. Therefore it is proven to be a stable company, with many taking My Video Talk on board and running with it...With cheques of $7000 in their first week in business. Now the launch in USA is expected to be the biggest growth for My Video Talk. The company has been in soft launch in USA for the past six months so USA resident can join the company now with the opportunity to lead up a marketing team.

The video tools offered by My Video Talk includes a wide array of products that are designed to promote and brand. All of the products are easy-to-use and are a great tool for increasing the growth of any business.

Video Products include:

My Video Designer- You can now make a video email that is unique and professional and perfect for your business correspondence. A video email is more convenient for your recipients. People no longer have to read the content but to listen to it. My Video Designer also allows you to edit the colours and banners of your video email.

My Video Broadcaster- One of the powerful tools in web broadcasting. My Video Broadcaster is user-friendly and customizable and perfect in meetings, product demos and trainings.

My Live Learning- If you are a beginner in the field of business, you will have a complete guide and tutorial for the skills that you can improve for the success of business.

My Video Channel - This product from My Video Talk allows you to have your own video channel which can be utilized to feature your business or any other content you chose to broadcast.

My Video Web show - You can create your own web show displaying your products, trainings and more. This is like having your own TV channel but it is online.

Along with these high quality video tools the benefits that you can derive from My Video Talk include:

* You are part of a company that is financially strong with proven management team

* You are investing at the right time being involved in several MULTI-billion dollar industries

* Your are provided with Unique, Cutting-Edge products that meet a need AND a want of millions of people

* You have access to a convenient and easy-to-use product line.

* You are being provided with an additional source of income.

* You are part of a global, SEAMLESS program

However even the greatest company with the best products is useless unless you know how to market and have a marketing plan and a growing team of supporters. My Video Talk is a long-term winner in the network marketing industry, but you need to know how to market yourself to stand a chance in this industry. This is where the US rock star team can help. This team of My Video Talk associates are one for the fastest growing teams in the United States. Now is the time to join if you are considering a business from home in the network marketing industry to earn residual income. You can gain more information about the team in the resource author box.

Overall, My Video Talk offers people great products and a lucrative opportunity. To acquire more information about the company, the pay plan and the products click on the link in the resource author box.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Get the Best Diets for Quick Weight Loss

Most times the struggle for us to lose weight and maintain being in shape very most challenging part. Because it always goes up and down the scale, when you can easily lose several pounds you will feel like you have won the battle. The most important part is controlling it after losing weight because you might slightly add more as time goes. It makes you feel frustrated and you begin to search for best diets for quick weight loss or quick fat loss programs to attack the problem again.

When it comes to using diet plans you will find out that there are many programs that claim to be the best. Well I know that you want the best one that will greatly work for you. Do you know that many people like you also do the same research daily both locally and internationally, in our various stores or on the internet?

Luckily, there are many reviews that can help you compare the honest programs from the ones that promise what they don't do. The best way is by using diets for quick weight loss plan.

Diet involves personality, health status and lifestyle so it is better you run away from those diet programs that will help you shed pounds fast as this might increase your health risk. A good diet plan should help you change your diet slowly in other to lose weight in matter of time and maintain that shape for life.

I have gathered a free report in which contains the best diets for quick weight loss.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Curb Your Enthusiasm for Headlines and Breaking News

The next time you see a headline proclaiming a medical breakthrough, think of this ancient Latin expression: Cum grano salis. It means with a grain of salt. That expression started because salt used to be very valuable. And, it was in high demand as a food preservative, as a poison antidote and a taste enhancer. Salt was relatively scarce at one time. It also was thought to have healing qualities. Now that's a laugh, since in modern times it kills those who overuse it for long periods by raising their blood pressure. But, to urge taking one thing or another with a grain of salt still means to look upon an object or proposition with a healthy dose of skepticism, suspicion and caution.

Thus, where headlines and modern-day carnival barkers on TV send a message of urgency or proclaim a breakthrough, remember cum grano salis. It's easy to get excited at some of the headlines in daily newspapers, especially those heralding new research findings. The media does this in part to sell newspapers or get you to tune in. Maybe it's done in part by editors in newsrooms who simply don't have time to read the full studies. In any event, I've noticed a serious disconnect between the promise and the reality in announcements about the latest research findings on health matters.

If you think you are easily fooled, you might be. I recommend an attitude of bemused skepticism at all times, but particularly with regard to newspaper accounts of the latest discoveries from medical research. Don't put too much stock in these unlikely headlines, at least not before you read to the end of the stories or check out the articles in respected journals. Adopt the perspective of Sherlock Holmes, namely, Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, has got to be true. Thing is, once you eliminate the impossible AND the improbable, there is seldom anything left! So, don't be an easy mark for nonsensical things, whether they be headlines in newspapers or sensational stories. In the latter category are the Indian Monkey Man scare, the Loch Ness monster, Big Foot, space visitors in New Mexico, the Yeti, trolls under bridges and the candidacy of Sarah Palin for any public office, let alone president of the United States. Tooth fairies? Well, that's something else - there might be a tooth fairy, because where else could that nickel have come from that I discovered under my pillow after a tooth extraction long, long ago?

Instead of credulity, put your faith in things solid, reputable, virtuous, wise and above suspicion, such as the typical essay in an AWR. These essays are filled with startling conclusions and partially-baked opinions founded on irreproducible findings, inspired hyperbole and medicated data intermingled, intertwined and occasionally intertwixed with subjective experience. How can you top that? On several occasions, these reflections and surmises have been shown to contain elements of truth, however elusive veracity in the health and medical field can be. REAL wellness perspectives always work, and that is the best measure. If forced to choose between statistical methodologies or utilitarian discoveries, you are usually better off with the latter but, fortunately, the choice of positions is always wider!

I was thinking along these lines the other day when I came across the headline about a research project in the conservative Wall Street Journal. The article described how a popular pain reliever might protect against Alzheimer's. The headline, however, hinted that a CURE for Alzheimer's might have been found! This gave the impression that a breakthrough was at hand, that cheap, over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil and Motrin seem to prevent the body from producing a protein that in turn causes brain-clogging deposits in Alzheimer sufferers.

The study described how scientists, over a four-year period, noted that some people who take large amounts of ibuprofen and other non-steroidal, anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) meds seem to be at less risk of developing Alzheimer's. These findings were supported by colleagues who worked with cells taken from mice that had been genetically altered to have a disease similar to Alzheimer's. However, the best that could be stated by the scientists, as opposed to the WSJ headline writers, was that this association could one day lead to new treatments that reduce the formation of brain deposits, or plaques, without toxic side effects.

That was the best that could be said of the study results. Wait till you hear the worst! The researchers also stated (this was discussed near the end of the WSJ article) that further studies would take years and that the potential benefits of the drugs have been subject to experiments only in cell cultures and laboratory animals. In fact, doctors were warned NOT to prescribe high doses of NSAIDs as a way to prevent Alzheimer's! The doses used in the experiments were equal to more than 16 Advils a day - enough to cause problems almost as bad as Alzheimer's, if you can imagine that. These hazards include kidney damage and severe gastrointestinal ailments, either of which can be fatal.

The lesson? As noted in the beginning, adopt an attitude of bemused skepticism and learn (and practice) the key REAL wellness skill of effective decision-making.

Be well and look on the bright side. If you find that hard, consider this: We share 99.6 percent of our active genes with the chimpanzees. We are more closely related to chimps than rats are to mice. Knowing that, how could you possibly take yourself so seriously as NOT to look on the bright side - while curbing enthusiasm for any side, of course.

Sunday 27 March 2011

Libya's Ras Lanuf Hit By Bombs


With the fighting in Libya continuing, and the tensions mounting in the north. The attack comes from the sky. Pro Gadhafi forces have been unleashing a savage counter attack on Ras Lanuf. Rebel fighters on the ground are sitting targets. They are vulnerable and they know it. But they vouch to fight for freedom, as more people wake up and are sick of the old style government. The people are sick of the lies and persecution and they are now taking matters into their own hands.

Gadhafi bombers have hit and oil storage depot about 10 km to the west. This probably have a dramatic effect on the prices of crude oil. Even from Ras Lanuf the damage is tangible.

Now rebel fighters are moving up to the front line. On the roadside a reminder of the grim tally of the dead and injured. Medic prepare to take the dead and injured back to Ras Lenuf. The columns of smoke lumes ominously on the horizon. The bombers have hit the oil storage depots in three different points. Gaddafi forces are clearly targeted this facility.

The rebels are taking it upon themselves to fire multiple rocket launches. Their targets not the war planes but rather, a small group of pro Gadhafi troops on the ground. These troops were firing mortars from beneath the oil depot. They appear to be outflanked by the rebels. And all the time, the dense smoke rises. Turning the afternoon into a premature night.

On the hill a group of news reports take shelter in a ditch in the desert. Unbeknown to the group of news reporters the rebels moved a sandbank just behind them and start firing. Pro Gadhafi forces instantly spot these mortars and return fire. The mortar and rocket fire stops for just a moment and give the group of news reporters a chance to make their dash and get their lives out of danger just in the nick of time.

Without knowing the news reporters were within 1 kilometre from the front line. What they had seen was simply amazing. But not only that, their perception of the rebel forces. They have demonstrated that they have more 'know how' then they are giving credit for. And their courage and determination are undeniable. As the fighting continues and other parts of the middle east show their waking up, there is no doubt tensions will rise and more casualties will be had.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Diamond Minds, Metro Europe - Libya Wants In!


When we see and hear leaders of Europe on a British television, it is refreshing to hear such diamond thinking. What they say has great and good events coming at us, even through all the gloom of the moment. They speak to a delegate from Russia, and from Serbia, and we hear of their amazing brilliant thinking. Their minds are of peace and so beyond those of the warrior man from Russia and the man from Serbia. The man from Russia, we know, is there as ethnic bully big brother Slav to protest that Kosovo wants to be an independent state, as the population is 90 percent Albanian, not Serb.

As with elsewhere we can think of, Serbia insists that Kosovo is their core and heart, and their heart will not beat without it. And we can recall that a decade ago tanks from Russia did arrive in Belgrade, and we all bombed around them, so to speak, until, mercifully they drove back to Russia. That was when Ivan the Bear was weak and poor. Now his vaults are spilling surplus from the oil and gas to Europe, he is expanding, getting more angry.

And, as always Emperor Fudd of America, blasting his huge gun at everything in the forest except Bugs bin Laffin, wants to set missile sites closer to Moscow. The sites in Turkey are much closer to Iran, so why this provocation towards Russia? Uncle Sam the lesser says to point at way far away at Iran, you understand, Ivan. Ivan does understand all too well. And the vacuous lump of coal in the brain of our leader, who seems to take us for the fools he shows himself to be, as leads us closer to a new unneeded, not affordable fire again. Compared to his diamond of a father, who helped bring down that wall, and ensured peace on earth in his time,a lump of coal followed a diamond.

But give the devil his due. With all that the horror George Bush has inflamed in the mid east, we should all notice how in one way, he stumbled over another terrorist problem he did not yet have in his sights. But one brilliant mind sensed he soon would, and that was a mortal enemy until recently of the west. And I refer to how the world did get at least this one benefit out of the hell of Iraq. It is fact that once long ago, Ronald Reagan had amazed us with a rocket attack on the personal home of the leader of Libya. It killed several of the leaders of the family, and terror actions easily linked to Libya began to go down.

To me, Ronald Reagan's proudest hour, when he amazed us all with his God like strike at this man linked to recent horrible attacks at a nightclub in Berlin. If Germany not dare slap, America could, would, and did speak of the sanctity of life and those who mock it. And every American, and many others, whatever their unrest at other Reagan policies, stood tall with Ron. As Reagan looked into the eyes of the camera, and right into the eyes of that man who had missed this missile attack by a hair, and you knew would be watching for Reagan's words. He had just felt his sword. And when Ronnie said "You can run, but you can't hide", we all knew we had Clint Eastwood after a bad guy, and it felt good to be on the side of right.

And now, while George Bush has just cost the 4,000th American life, as well as the looting and loss to humanity of precious artifacts of the earliest civilization, why not go home. This British independent panel of leaders of the mid east has generally agreed that American safety decreases by the hour. Mission accomplished, go home. When weapons of mass destruction were no longer the point, at least there was was satisfying scene of Saddam down in his hole in the ground, pistol in his lap, surrendering quietly, to extend his grand life just that little bit longer, I wondered what that leader of Libya was thinking. A brilliant mind, long so full of anger at the west, saw himself soon, coming out of some hole he had better plan better than Saddam.

And within weeks, Libya had announced that it was denouncing all weapons of mass destruction, and that it dismantling a modest nuclear project it had been working on. It wanted to join with the west in building to the future. American oil giants, including one who had quietly been in talks about their oil rights in Libya, long put on hold, could re apply for exploration. Such discussions have begun. So this is a positive, and leads back to our point.

Those European gentlemen at that table in Europe, startled the Serb and frightened Ivan the bear when they saw not only Serbia and Kosovo inside the EU, but all those last bits down there of Europe, on their way to Istanbul. And they caused much amazement when they said they could see, a greater wide Europe, including north Africa as with Rome, sea to sea to sea. And this forward thinking is led in part by the fact the the one rotating presidency of Europe this year is the first time held by the first of old Yugoslavia to meet standards of civilization and rule of law to join Europe.

And what about when the rotating presidency of Europe requires a first leader from north Africa, their turn, usually one they would really want in, such as one with massive unexplored oil reserves. So who suspects no longer skulking, but emperor clad, a Libyan Caesar for one whole new year, the President for the Year of Europe. How the mind reels, to imagine that terrorist for decades, so eager to live, could be Charlemagne and Caesar and Churchill for a year. He could wear robes like Caesar, but behave godly, or love of Allah, like Aristotle. And we see that as diamond thinking, and we saw it's creation from a hellish lump of coal. Allah, and God, can be merciful. Now President Duck, quack back home. Mission accomplished.There is no Sumerian artifact intact, that world is on fire for years, go home.

The President of Metro Europe has the authority of the voices of this wonderful new democracy. Did you know that Libya has the greatest Roman palaces outside Rome, as it was the winter spa for the Emperor of Rome. Who, long before Caesar, was a man born in Libya, and liked to feel rich at home, even his winter retreat. It could make a great winter office spa for those sniffling bureaucrats in Brussels. That that should help that ball along. The cameras are now showing these amazing palaces and great halls, as the rusty door of freedom creaks over. No more Attila, no hat of Napoleon. All hail democratic Caesar, who only gets to speak what we all agree!

Friday 25 March 2011

Qaddafi's Libya: "The People Are the Master"


March 3, 2011. Muammar al Qaddafi, said recently, "The People are the master" To some degree this must be the truth as he has many supporters and still the support of the Army. In fact he seems to have more supporters then there are Rebels'. The Government forces moved east and word is that the oil fields in Garza are in Government hands again.

Either way, Qaddafi could last a long time if the UN does not send in forces to aid the rebellion, a prospect that is not likely to take place soon. Some NATO, countries are talking about setting up a no fly zone over Libya, This is a very fine idea. However, a no fly zone is not as easy as it looks, and would involve several difficult issues, not the least of which is, who will pay for it?

Russia, for one has asked the UN Security Council to do exactly that, the problem is that the UN will need Air forces in the area and a lot of them. Who? Therefore, will the UN send to supply the airpower needed to do the job? You know it, the United States. The United States does not have sufficient forces in the area to complete such a task. To make things more complex Libya still has all its anti aircraft elements still intact.

More than that, to set up a no fly zone would be an act of war against a Middle Eastern country. If such an attack is undertaken by the UN who will most likely send American forces to do the job, then the Arab world may see this from a different point of view. Why, because in order to set up a no fly zone somebody has to destroy the Libyan Air force, and still again we have Americans killing Arabs. The very idea of having one more place where Americans kill Arabs will not be a good for Obama's foreign affairs.

Besides: US. Forces are heavily engaged in Afghanistan, and still mopping up in Iraq. To make things really complex, we are still watching the unstable Persian Gulf area. Starting a new military salient in Libya will give rise to the possibility of a new Afghanistan kind of war in Libya. To stack that along side of existing military commitments in the area may be unthinkable.

Mr. Robert Michael Gates, who is the 22nd and current United States Secretary of Defense, told a congressional panel on Wednesday "A no-fly zone begins with an attack on Libya" to destroy its air defenses." Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is the 67th United States Secretary of State; Clinton said, she feared the prospect of Libya becoming infested with al-Qaida or affiliated terrorist groups on the scale of Somalia. Clinton further stated, "We are taking no option off the table so long as the Libyan government continues to turn its guns on its own people,"

Earlier this week Mr. Gates ordered to us warships into the region namely: the amphibious assault ships USS Kearsarge and the USS Ponce. These hold about 45 Helicopters of various types each, and a cadre of marines. These ships are said to be in place to help with the evacuation of Americans from the fighting region.

The outcome of the conflict is unclear at this point. If the world really wants Qaddafi out of power then it could be some time before a military intervention will be possible and Qaddafi seems to have the support and the equipment needed to stay for some time.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

A Safe Place to Invest During the Current Financial Crisis

"What the lion cannot manage to do the fox can." -- German Proverb

Does a good investment truly exist in the current financial crisis? The sky seems to be falling every time you read a news headline these days:

Residential foreclosure rates hit all-time highs.
Millions across the US face long-term unemployment.
Huge corporate bailouts plague our political landscape.
Many investors feel like the stock market is a roller coaster running out of control.

2010 has proven to be a scary - yet for some - a very exciting time in history. There is no denying that the economic crisis is affecting millions across the U.S. Yet there are some businesses that seem to be OK, given the fact that many companies are downsizing, scaling back, or worse, closing their doors for good.

One area that is overall in good shape is the area of apartment investing. Why?

Because as a good friend told me when I got started investing in apartments, "People ALWAYS need a place to live - no matter what the economy is doing."

That is sage advice - especially these days. You may be wondering where the best opportunities are in apartment investing. Well, let us just say that the media has done a very good job on the real estate market being in the crapper.. If you are one of many apartment investors across the U.S. you know that this is NOT the case...

The media is making it very good for US apartment investors right now. Why? They are blowing the doors off of single family homes as investments right now - a.k.a. "flipping houses". So, where will people be looking to park their money?

Commercial Investment Properties with Apartments are at the top of the list because of the following:
#1 Apartment properties will have a track record with some degree of predictability involved.
#2 When analysed properly, you can make a "good investment" in any market.
#3 People are moving FROM houses INTO apartments in a down economy. It makes sense.
#4 "People ALWAYS need a place to live - no matter what the economy is doing."

Which brings me to another very quick point for you to ponder.

Many great fortunes have been made by people doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what all of the other people are doing and saying. Make sure that you keep this in mind as you continue to look at more real estate properties -- especially well-located, well-run apartment investments.

Do you want to learn more about investing in apartment buildings? Click the link below for my FREE 7-Part Investment e-Course, and I'll also send you my FREE special report and teleseminar access, "How to Buy Apartments and Commercial Real Estate With No Or Low Money Down."

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Rise and Rise of Malaysia Property Prices

According to statistics from the National Property Information Centre (Napic), approximately 1,170 units of residential property costing RM1 million and above exchanged hands in the first quarter of 2010. This is a significant increase of more than 50 per cent compared to the 750 units sold during the same period last year. Excluding residential housing transacted between RM50,000 to RM100,000, all the other six price categories between RM100,001 to RM1 million witnessed an increase in transaction numbers.

This situation is not entirely surprising though, and according to Malaysia property consultants polled, it has a lot to do with consumer confidence. Although the world has yet to completely come out of the financial rut started by U.S. sub-prime problems, the matter of the fact is that Malaysians have become richer - whether it is because of the stronger Ringgit or the red-hot local stock market. Personal incomes have also increased and hence, people are willing to put down more money on big ticket items.

The increased confidence and stronger purchasing power are motivating first-time home buyers to snap up entry-level properties, existing home buyers to upgrade to bigger homes and the higher-income group to purchase for investment. Naturally, the easy financing arranged by property developers with the banks and record-low interest rates of up to Base Lending Rate (BLR) minus 2.5 per cent are supporting factors as well.

Although the average price of houses in Malaysia have creeped up a mere 37 per cent in the last 10 years based on the national Housing Index, this number does not apply to major cities like Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Penang.

In fact, it was only in June this year that a local corporate figure made headlines for paying a whopping RM38 million for a triplex penthouse unit at The Binjai On The Park in Kuala Lumpur City Center. Located on the 42nd-storey of Tower B, the buyer was said to be attracted by the 360-degree unobstructed view of the beautiful KLCC skyline, similar to London's One Hyde Park, according to newspaper reports. At RM38 million, the price for the 14,300 square feet private apartment works out to almost RM2,700 per square foot.

Will Malaysia property prices continue rising at its current blistering pace or will the prices collapse, is anybody's guess. While countries like China and Singapore have already begun implementing new housing policies like higher down-payments and property gains tax, and also increased interest rates to rein in property prices, the Malaysian government has not shown any signs of concern. Instead, Prime Minister Najib Razak announced stamp duty exemptions for first-time home buyers and zero down-payment for residential property costing up to RM220,000 during the recent Budget 2011 in October.

Monday 21 March 2011

Sabah Tea, Sarawak Pepper and Bario Rice

Sabah Tea, Sarawak Pepper and Bario Rice, together with Borneo Virgin Coconut Oil, Sabah Seaweed, Tenom Coffee and Buah Limau Bali Sungai Gedung, stand as the sole seven registered Geographical Indications in Malaysia (as of 2009).

Geographical Indications (GI's) are one of the least known Intellectual Property Rights in Malaysia. Perhaps that is the reason behind the small number of protected GI's.

In Malaysia, GI's are governed by the Geographical Indications Act 2000. According to the Act, GI means an "indication which identifies any goods as originating in a country or territory, or a region or locality in that country or territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the goods is essentially attributable to their geographical origin". The Act allows the producer(s) of the products from the geographical area, a competent authority or a trade organization/association to apply for a GI registration.

Examples of famous GI's from Europe are Champagne for sparkling wine, Mozzarella cheese, Feta cheese, Tuscan olive oil, and Parma ham. GI's that Malaysians may be more familiar with could be Basmati rice, Ceylon tea, Assam tea, Darjeeling tea, Persian carpets, Thai silk and Kanjeepuram sarees.

There are a few difficulties that may arise from registering and developing a GI. For instance, reaching a consensus on the relevant region/area and the quality requirements of the products does not come easily (One might refer to the recent issue over the highly prized Puer tea between the Chinese provinces of Yunnan and Guangdong) unlike trademarks which are usually held by one individual or entity. A GI is usually owned by a number of people. Fortunately, these difficulties can be resolved with a round of meetings between the producers of the product or by creating a board which will decide matters pertaining to the GI. In Malaysia, an example of a board that registered and monitors a GI would be the Pepper Marketing Board, a federal statutory body, which registered the GI "Sarawak Pepper" for pepper and pepper products originating from Sarawak (a state in East Malaysia).

GI's should be identified and protected because not only do they provide the ability for producers to market their products better and thereby increase their income, but GI's also encourage a high standard of quality of production and promote tourism in the relevant region.

Consumers these days are becoming more and more discerning of the products they buy and are willing to pay more for quality. GI's offer that guarantee of quality. In that sense, GI's are similar to well-known trademarks as they denote good quality of the products on which the GI or trademark is applied.

Unfortunately, the assurance of quality given by a GI encourages third parties who are not producers from the region to ride on the goodwill of the GI and to label their products as originating from the same region as the GI. Consequently the GI's value will be diluted and consumers will be deceived. Efforts should therefore be made by producers to protect their registered GI's. Strict legal action should be taken against third parties who have no right to use the GI's. It has to be noted nonetheless, that while registered GI's inherently offer a certain protection to the producers, GI is similar to intellectual properties such as trademarks and patents in that the protection is national or regional, not global. GI has to be sought in other countries (where there is a registration system) if one wants strong legal protection there for their GI. Otherwise, action against wrong users will be by way of the tort of passing off (if available in a particular country).

Kandiah P is the Managing Director of KASS International, an established intellectual property firm with offices in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. He has been practicing in the area of Intellectual Property Law since 1987 and has vast experience in assisting local and international clients in obtaining patents, trademarks and industrial design rights on a global scale, and also specializes in identifying patentable inventions, designing around patented technology, creating new products together with clients, and advising on the commercialisation of IP Rights.

Sunday 20 March 2011

You're Throwing Money Away If Your Headlines Aren't SHOUTING!

In most articles, regardless of whether it's an online article, a web content or something that you see in the newspaper, the headline of the article or the prelude to a particular part of the content plays a pivotal role in drawing people in. I've been asked before, 'How do you write a headline that grabs at peoples' attention?' I don't have a magical wand to do that and the rules to how to write such a headline changes all the time, so, but there are some rules that I follow when writing headlines.

Including your keywords into your headline when writing

This is part of my rule....I don't know about others. The reason for this rule is because I want it to be a little bit more SEO-friendly and also kick-ass. For example, if the keyword you want is 'cheap business deal', I would probably go with something like CHEAP BUSINESS DEALS SHOCKS COMMUNITY. If it's a new handbag designed for teens and the keyword is handbag, I'd go with something like CHIC TEEN BAGS HITS THE STREETS. Well, you get what I mean, the basic concept is to keep the keywords in the headlines.

Shout, exaggerate and blow things out of proportion

Some people try not to do this and frankly speaking, I don't like stretching the truth too far either but this is how you've got to do it if you want to write a really good headline that grabs people's attention. Nobody would give your news or article a second thought if it was something boring or normal.

If you don't want to exaggerate too much, during the second-edit, go back and 'tone it down a little' without changing it too much; for instance, use a milder word that does not stretch reality too far. Example; change CRAZY to UNBELIEVABLE or GUARANTEE to PROMISE.

But keep it big. That's my advice. Then you'd get the attention you want.

Keep to the current and understand the readers

People who are on top of the news snap their heads around when they hear of the latest breaking news....that's how CNN's breaking news work, isn't it? Your readers are always current and up-to-date, therefore, you'll have to do that when you write your headline as well. Boring old news, nothing new, blah. But if you shout at them and say something like ECONOMY DOWNTURN DOES NOT AFFECT THE INTERNET MARKET INDUSTRY, they turn around and look....and then think, why the hell did it not affect the internet market?

When you write, you want to push all the right buttons

In whatever it is that you write, it pays to remember the hot buttons. In each and every one of us, there are hot buttons to push. Words that will just send them into a frenzy whereby the impulsiveness just raises its head in even the most sober folks. FREE is a button. NOW is a button. As for slimming products, PAIN-FREE is a button. When you write, include all these buttons into your writing. It takes some time for you to realize what these words are but every time you publish something, take a look at it and gauge their effectiveness and then slowly try to find words that you have placed inside of that article and things will come to you.

The rule of thumb is this....your readers don't buy the things that they need from the Internet (if you're an ecommerce business owner)! Remember...the get the things that they need from the supermarket, not the internet! When you write, remember to incorporate words that would make then WANT to buy that from you, incite their excitement and desire to have what you're selling.

And you can do all of this with a headline that SHOUTS at the top of its lungs!

Friday 18 March 2011

Afghanistan, The Good War

Afghanistan was the "good" war. Afghanistan was the one war worth fighting. Barack Obama said these things way back in 2009. Boy, those were the days weren't they? He was a hawk back then. You almost believed he was going to take the bull by the horns and clean house. Our fighting men and women would come home with honor as victors and liberators. Unfortunately, his actions have not matched his high flying rhetoric. Why is that? I have mentioned in previous articles that I believe the president to be Muslim-Centric, that is, he has an affinity for the Muslim culture. I believe that while he may actually see the necessity of the war, he has no stomach for fighting it and sees our presence in Afghanistan as colonialism. It's not so much that he wants us to lose as he just doesn't seem to want us to win either.

The first disturbing event was when General Stanley McChrystal wanted 50,000 additional troops and was convinced to lower his request to 40,000. Even at that, the president only granted him 30,000 additional troops and spent far too long considering it before he took any action. Then there was the dust up between Obama and the general that resulted in McChrystal's forced resignation. Now a new book by Bob Woodward may be blowing the lid off the inner workings and machinations of the White House war room. The New York Times quotes Woodward's new book as saying the following: "Some of the critical players in President Obama's national security team doubt his strategy in Afghanistan will succeed and have spent much of the last 20 months quarreling with one another over policy, personalities and turf." The Washington Post wrote that Obama "urgently looked for a way out of the war in Afghanistan last year, repeatedly pressing his top military advisers for an exit plan that they never gave him, according to secret meeting notes and documents cited in a new book by journalist Bob Woodward."

According to Woodward, the president grew frustrated that his advisers kept offering strategies that required more troops and eventually wrote his own strategy in the form of a six page 'terms sheet' that would attempt to limit the countries involvement in the war. In other words, the advisers were putting forth strategies to win the war and the president wanted strategies to get out of the war. Further, in an epic case of politics before country, Obama is quoted as saying he needed an exit strategy because "I can't lose the whole Democratic Party." This is stunning if true.

As the war drags on it is increasingly looking like it has been fought with half measures and a less than enthusiastic attitude on the part of this president. This is not fair to our fighting men and women who so bravely risk, and give, their lives for this country. They deserve nothing less than our full commitment and that starts from the top down.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Multilingual Service For the Mega-Earthquake in Japan

On Friday, March 4, an earthquake with a magnitude of at least 9.0 hit northern Honshu Island, Japan, around 3:00 p.m. local time in Japan. A massive tsunami followed this major earthquake. The number of casualties and actual damage has not yet been determined. Although several news media announcements have provided some early damage estimates, I would rather not mention any specific figures until more is known. I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy for the people who lost their lives, their families, and their homes in this natural disaster. I was quite fortunate to confirm the safety of my mother living in Tokyo. She also confirmed that there were no casualties and only minimal property damage among my family or friends.

Cell phone and email services were unable to handle the large increase in use and became overwhelmed in the aftermath of the disaster. Social network sites played a major role in obtaining updated information on this tragedy. My family and I could watch CNN in English, China Central TV News in Chinese, and NHK in Japanese. However, these television stations were only interested in broadcasting information about their own nationalities. NHK focuses on Japanese. CCTV only broadcasts about Chinese living in Japan or visiting Japan at that time. CNN talks about Americans.

While it is understandable for Japanese news media to focus on the safety of their own citizens, I believe we should not ignore the safety of other nationalities living in the disaster area or of foreign visitors. Their family and friends must have been frustrated by the lack of information available in their languages.

I learned about this service by accident. I contacted my translator friend on another work and found she was forming this service. I took part in this service adding Chinese and Spanish posts. They broadcast the most updated information concerning the earthquake and tsunami in many different languages. They are volunteer service of foreign language translators in Japan, and my friend played a leading role in forming this service. Some of the languages provided by the service include English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and more. I was fortunate enough to connect with this service and advertise its benefits using other social network services and my own blogs. The service broadcasts updated information about the aftermath, including information regarding damages, causalities, rescue efforts, and more. Let me show you how the service works:

- You can browse the posts in different languages which show or link to updated information on the disaster in your language.

- If you have specific information you need, post the request in the group in your language. A translator will pick up your post and respond to your request.

- The translation work in relation to this disaster is free, since the group is formed by volunteer translators.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Major Earthquake Warning Globally - Japan 8.9 Quake - Beware The Pacific Ring of Fire

Why are all these major Earthquakes Happening you ask? Well there is a lot of speculation after the two recent huge Earthquakes in New Zealand literally leveling half the city of Christ Church and sounding suburbs. And then a massive Earthquake hit off the North East coast of Japan. The news of the quake went world-wide online in minutes, as the Tsunami Warning Alarms went off.

In fact, here in Los Angeles CA, we know all too well how deadly such an Earthquake can be, and this one in Tokyo was no little rumble - it was nearly a 9.0 - so it was massive. ABC Channel 7 in Los Angeles sent out a Breaking News Alert at 10:30 PM on Thursday, March 10, 2011, which would be mid-day Japan Friday. The news alert put it like this:

"An 8.9-magnitude earthquake has struck off the northeastern coast of Japan. Japanese television is showing major tsunami damage of cars, trucks, houses, and buildings being swept away in the northern part of country. Japan's meteorological agency warned that a tsunami as high as 20 feet could strike the coast near Miyagi prefecture."

Later there was more information coming out from the Pacific Warning Center for Tsunamis, from the Hawaiian center sending out warnings to many other nations; Tsunami warning was in effect for Japan, Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas. A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the U.S. state of Hawaii.

Now then, I do not wish to alarm anyone but the magnetic North Pole has been moving at about 40 miles per year, and some scientists are beginning to talk telling the world that it isn't Global Warming melting the ice near the pole, it's being caused by the magnetic pole shift causing changes in weather patterns, and also re-distribution of weight, meaning there will be shifts on the major continental plates, and major Earthquake faults, especially on the Pacific Rim of Fire.

Is this what is causing these giant Earthquakes? Well, no one can prove it, and for every scientist that says they are, there are 10 who disagree and demand more empirical evidence and proof. Is this part of the 2012 Apocalypse Theory, well, it does not appear to be, but you can bet folks who are superstitious, or conspiracy theorists will be calling it that, "the end of days" for instance. Right now everyone is told to remain calm and consider your humanity, as we all work together to maintain order. Please consider all this.

Monday 14 March 2011

Battle to stabilise earthquake reactors

Attention remains focused on the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini nuclear power plants as Japan struggles to cope in the aftermath of its worst earthquake in recorded history. A dramatic explosion did not damage containment and sea water injection continues through the night.  

Three of Fukushima Daiichi's six reactors were in operation when yesterday's quake hit, at which point they shut down automatically and commenced removal of residual heat with the help of emergency diesel generators. These suddenly stopped about an hour later, and this has been put down to tsunami flooding by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The loss of the diesels led the plant owners Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) to immediately notify the government of a technical emergency situation, which allows officials to take additional precautionary measures.

For many hours the primary focus of work at the site was to connect enough portable power modules to fully replace the diesels and enable the full operation of cooling systems. 

Pressure and releases 
Without enough power for cooling systems, decay heat from the reactor cores of units 1, 2 and 3 has gradually reduced coolant water levels through evaporation. The consequent increase in pressure in the coolant circuit can be managed via pressure release valves. However, this leads to an increase in pressure within the reactor building containment. Tepco has said that the pressure within the containment of Fukushima Daiichi 1 reached levels of around 840 kPa, compared to reference levels of 400 kPa. 
The company decided to manage this "for those units that cannot confirm certain levels of water injection" by means of a controlled release of air and water vapour to the atmosphere. Because this water has been through the reactor core, this would inevitably mean a certain release of radiation. The IAEA said this would be filtered to retain radiation within the containment. Tepco has confirmed it was in the process of relieving pressure at unit 1 while preparing to do the same for units 2 and 3.


Television cameras trained on the plant captured a dramatic explosion surrounding Fukushima Daiichi 1 at around 6pm. Amid a visible pressure release and a cloud of dust it was not possible to immediately know the extent of any damage. Later television shots showed a naked steel frame remaining at the top of the reactor building. The external building structure does not act as the containment, which is an airtight engineered boundary within.  
Click to enlarge
This cutaway diagram shows the central reactor vessel and
thick concrete containment in a typical boiling water reactor
of the same era as Fukushima Daiichi 1

Chief cabinet secretary Yukio Edano appeared on television to clarify that the explosion had damaged the walls and roof of the reactor building but had not compromised the containment.  

Monitoring of Fukushima Daiichi 1 had previously shown an increase in radiation levels detected near to the unit emerging via routes such as the exhaust stack and the discharge canal. These included caesium-137 and iodine-131, Nisa said, noting that levels began to decrease after some time.
Nevertheless the amount of radiation detected at the site boundary reached 500 microSieverts per hour - exceeding a regulatory limit and triggering another set of emergency precautions. It also meant the incident has been rated at Level 4 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) - an 'accident with local consequences'.
To protect the public from potential health effects of radioactive isotopes of iodine that could potentially be released, authorities have made preparations to distribute tablets of non-radioactive potassium-iodide. This is quickly taken up by the body and its presence prevents the take-up of iodine-131 should people be exposed to it.

Click to enlarge
Fukushima Daiichi
Unit 1
- 439 MWe BWR, 1971
- Automatically shut down
- Water level decreasing
- Pressure release implemented
- Explosion observed

- Containment believed intact
- Seawater injection has started
Radiation levels did not rise after

Unit 2
- 760 MWe BWR, 1974
- Automatically shut down
- Water level lower but steady
- Preparations for pressure release
Unit 3
- 760 MWe BWR, 1976
- Automatically shut down
- Preparations for pressure release
Unit 4
- 760 MWe BWR, 1978
- Shut for periodic inspection
Unit 5
- 760 MWe BWR, 1978

- Shut for periodic inspection
Unit 6
- 1067 MWe BWR, 1979
- Shut for periodic inspection
Fukushima Daini
Unit 1
- 1067 MWe BWR, 1982
- Automatically shut down
- Offsite power available
- Water level stable
- Preparations for pressure release
Unit 2
- 1067 MWe BWR, 1984
- Automatically shut down
- Offsite power available
- Water level stable
- Preparations for pressure release
Unit 3
- 1067 MWe BWR, 1985
- Automatically shut down
- Offsite power available
- Water level stable
- Preparations for pressure release
Unit 4
- 1067 MWe BWR, 1987
- Automatically shut down
- Offsite power available
- Water level stable
- Preparations for pressure release
Over the last several hours evacuation orders for local residents have been incrementally increased and now cover people living within 20 kilometres of the power plant. 

Seawater injection 

The injection of seawater into parts of the building near the reactor started at 8.20pm and this is planned to be followed by addition of boric acid, which is used to inhibit nuclear reactions. Tepco had to put the operation on hold for a time when another tsunami was predicted, but work recommenced after the all-clear.
Raised temperatures   
Meanwhile at adjacent Fukushima Daini, where four reactors have been shut down safely since the earthquake hit, Tepco has notified government of another emergency status.  
Unit 1's reactor core isolation cooling system had been operating normally, and this was later supplemented by a separate make-up water condensate system. However, the latter was lost at 5.32am local time when its suppression chamber reached 100ºC. This led Tepco to notify government of another technical emergency situation.  
Tepco has announced it has decided to prepare for controlled releases to ease pressure in the containments of all four units at Fukushima Daini.   
A ten kilometre evacuation is in progress and across both sites, some 200,000 people have been moved from the homes so far.

A seriously injured worker was trapped within Fukushima Daiichi unit 1 in the crane operating console of the exhaust stack and is now confirmed to have died. Four workers were injured by the explosion at the same reactor and have been taken to hospital. A contractor was found unconscious and taken to hospital. 

Two workers of a 'cooperative firm' were injured, said Tepco; one with a broken bone. A Tepco employee who was unable to stand and grasping his left chest was taken to hospital.

At Fukushima Daiini unit 3 one worker received a radiation dose of 106 mSv. This is a notable dose, but comparable to levels deemed acceptable in emergency situations by some national nuclear safety regulators. 

The whereabout of two Tepco workers remains unknown.

Saturday 12 March 2011

8.9 Earthquake Japan - Fifth Largest Earthquake in the World Since 1755

When it comes to Japan, they sure know how to rock n' roll - but they also seem to be good at setting records. The Sendai, Japan Earthquake of 2011 was the fifth largest earthquake ever felt, where adequate records were available. Can you say huge, I mean really huge?

Well, consider if you will that in all of recorded history since the Richter Scale was created there have only been three others larger than the one in Japan. For instance, according to WikiPedia, the Richter Scale was not even developed until 1935 by Charlie Sheen, I mean Charles Richter with Beno Gutenberg at Cal Tech in California, whereas, it was Charlie Sheen, an actor that appeared to lose his mind and shook Hollywood circa 2011.

If you will recall the recent Earthquake in Chile was an 8.8 and the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake quake was 9.3 which caused the giant Tsunamis throughout the Indian Ocean. Perhaps considering the Haiti Quake and the recent New Zealand quakes, which were quite a bit weaker, but not any less devastating to structures or ruined lives - it might make sense if you live in an Earthquake zone to have a plan.

Indeed, there is a very good book I can recommend to you if you don't feel as if you are properly prepared currently, and I will tell you that this is a book I do own personally living out here in California. The name of the book is:

"The Disaster Survival Handbook" Authored by Alton L. Thygerson, Brigham Young University, Salt Lake, UT, (1979) 248 pages, ISBN: 0-8425-1629-8.

The book explains what you can do in your own life, to protect your family and property, as well as what to do immediately afterwards. Not only is there excellent information earthquake preparedness, supplies needed, and how to battle ready your living environment - but also how to deal with aftershocks, power outages, drinking water, cooking, and surviving, literally surviving, as you won't have any communication, TV, Internet, gas, electricity, and you may not be able to drink the water, even if you have some flowing through the pipes.

This is a great survival book, because it handles all types of disasters, and I ask you - are you and your family ready when and if disaster strikes? Be prepared because when such an event hits emergency services will potentially be so overwhelmed, you are on your own. Thus, maybe this is a good wake-up call for you to consider the reality of such a potential eventuality. Think on it.

5 Best Exhibitions for the Optics Industry

Whether it is eye wear, photography or scientific equipment, optics plays a crucial part in many of the world's industries. With innovations occurring every few months with thinner lens, more advanced medical equipment and optical security, trade shows for the optics industry are held all over the world. No matter what sector you work in, optics affects everyone, so here are five of the most important exhibitions within the industry.

1. Opti (International Trade show For Trends In Optics), Munich - Germany's leading optics exhibitions that is renowned for showcasing trends within the optician industry. The three day event plays host to many international market leaders who take the opportunity to showcase their latest designs, brands and innovations. The trade show also represents every aspect of the eye wear market with frames, lens and repair equipment being displayed for companies and industry leaders.

2. IOFT (International Optical Fair Tokyo), Japan - Held at Tokyo Big Sight and organised by Reed Exhibitions Japan and Fukui Optical Associations, the International Optical Fair Tokyo allows for the showcasing of the latest designs in eye wear from around the world. It also allows Japanese manufacturers to display the latest innovations in optical technology as well as fashion accessories.

3. Photonex, UK - Photonex is the UK's optical event, specialising in spectroscopy, motion control and optoelectronics. It also allows visitors to check out the latest optical technology and equipment, which can be used in a wide range of sectors including the medical industry, engineering and security, for its application in optical scanners. Well established in UK and Europe, Photonex is described as being at the forefront of optical and photonic industry.

4. Shanghai International Optics Fair, China - Held at Shanghai's Everbright Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Shanghai International Optics Fair is China's official optical trade exhibition. It displays one of the largest optical exhibitions on the continent, showcasing major international brands and products. As well as eye wear, the trade show also allows companies to see the latest innovations in visual test equipment, eye care products and low vision aids. Not only is it popular with industry leaders, but it attracts leading trade magazines and China's Association of the Optical Industry.

5. OPTA BRNO, Czech Republic - OPTA is the leading trade show and exhibition for eye optics and ophthalmology in Central and Eastern Europe. The trade show attracts large crowds each year, eager to see the latest eye wear fashions from some of the biggest names in the industry. All exhibitors get the opportunity to present their products to market leaders as well as network with others in the industry.

Friday 11 March 2011

Breaking News From the World of Entertainment

Want in on the latest gossip from the world of entertainment? Want to know what your favorite stars are up to? Or perhaps you want to find out which silver screen flick is making a big bang in the market? Irrespective of the scoop you are looking for from the entertainment world you can be sure to find all the breaking news from the world of entertainment on the internet.

The internet has become a hub for movie fans and entertainment seekers. Today you will be able to find all the latest entertainment news on various online news blogs that are focused on provide their readers with the latest gossip circulating around the lives of their favorite stars. The entertainment section on the news blogs is one of the most popular niches according to latest statistics. This is because everyone wants to know what their favorite stars are up to and what to watch out for on the television and new film releases.

The entertainment section is well complemented by the fashion section on these news blogs. As it is, the celebrities and starts from the entertainment world are either responsible or used for promoting certain fashion trends. Hence you can always check out the fashion section of these news blogs to see which shades are currently being promoted by your favorite celebrity and what clothes you should be sporting this summer season.

If you are looking for tips and tricks that will help to enhance your lifestyle then you can also read up on the lifestyle section on these news blogs. This section will update you with the latest happenings around the world on things that will help you enhance your life. This includes everything from the latest exercises for your abs to the top rated beauty treatment and interesting interior decoration tips to expert nutrition advice.

The entertainment, fashion and lifestyle sections of online news blogs will fill you up with all the information you need to know about your favorite stars, the fashion they are sporting and a bunch of other valuable tips to improve your lifestyle.  The good thing is that these news blogs do not only deliver the breaking news in the form of text, rather you will also be able to find a variety of images, videos and other interactive media that enriches the user experience on these websites. Last but not least you can easily subscribe to their RSS feed and get the latest breaking news in your email. The leading blogs will also offer you the latest on politics, business, technology and sports making them the ideal one stop source of high quality information on current global news.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

The Importance Of Headlines To Casino News Articles

It is stating the obvious when we say that headlines are the deciding factor for any gambling website writer in order make his work stand out among the endless online poker articles that are out there. But this is one point that cannot be stressed strongly enough. Remember, a headline for casino news article is like a first date for a budding romance or the all important handshake at the start of a business meeting. It may be a cliché but first impressions do last the longest. Hence, it is imperative for gambling writers to come up with a clear and catchy headline.

Just as one is apt to judge a book by its cover, so will readers go through your casino news article only if they find the headline eye-catching enough. Again, as stated above, this is a part of the online casino article that is most likely to stick in the mind of the reader. An individual will skim through multiple online casino gambling articles daily and naturally he will not be able to recollect all that he read. Why on earth should he? But a witty headline will always make a lasting impression however disinterested the reader may be towards the content.

There are different ways that online gambling writers can make use of to ensure that the headline for his online gambling article is attractive and casino news worthy. First off, the golden rule for all gambling content writers is keeping it short and simple! This, of course, is easier said than done but is absolutely necessary for any casino news article. One can also make use of relevant catchphrases and slang-terms that tend have a greater impact on the reader.

To put it very simply, a good headline for any casino news article does 90% of the job. With practice, one can master the art of headline writing and become an effective gambling content writer.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

News Media Vs Internet Media

National and local newspapers across the world are facing their most radical restructuring in history; scores are folding as advertisers migrate to online advertising. Cutbacks have led to hundreds of journalists being invited to clear their desks. Falling circulation and higher production costs are making matters worse whilst increasing numbers of readers save time and money by reading their favourite newspaper online.

Very little news content today is gathered by reporters; most of what we read is downloaded free from court and local authority reports. Much is editorial-advertising and product reviews. Why pay a journalist when you can charge an advertiser? Another threat to traditional reporting is posed by citizen journalists; freelances who offer their services in return for lead gathering opportunities.

Few doubt the superiority of online newspapers compared to hard copy. The online edition of the average daily newspaper carries so much information and advertising; a builder's labourer could not hope to carry it in a wheelbarrow if it went to print. It is not the Internet that threatens journalists' careers; it is the nature of the change. They too are learning to adapt.

The Internet News Revolution

News organisations are still profitable but their proprietors have seen the writing on the wall. As High Street retailers morph into Internet shopping the newspaper industry knows that street vendor and newsagent distributed newspapers, subsidised by online profits, will follow typewriters into obscurity. The dilemma facing the industry is how best to profit by charging browsers who access their online editions.

Print and distribution costs are crippling news print editions; costs for online copy are comparatively low. Online newspapers do not have a space problem and deadlines are not an issue. The news is almost immediate and rolled out 24/7. However, in a click-driven competitive market online news media increasingly rely on challenging and investigative journalists, columnists and event analysts.

Rupert Murdoch

If a charge is imposed the trick will be to prevent each newspaper's readership migrating to free online editions. Under the radar discussions are already taking place. Heading the agenda is the quest to discover the most practical means of getting readers to pay for their PC screen content without losing them. News magnate Rupert Murdoch already charges a subscription to access the Wall Street Journal's insider information copy. He says: "People reading news for free on the web; that's got to change."

Recently it was announced that the tycoon has won a concession from Google to limit access to free news reports. It is called slamming the stable door before the horse bolts. Head of Associated Press, Tom Curley agrees: "The readers and viewers are going to have to pay more." Others argue that viewers will simple not pay. The truth is no one knows as no one has been there before.

A Spanish Journalist Shows the Way

One online media hopeful is Arcadi Espada, a Catalan journalist. He is certain that print journalism does not have a future. His online Factual will be accessed by a 50EUR annual subscription. With characteristic forthrightness Espada says: "A journalist's work is not free; nothing in life is free. We have to re-invent the business."

According to one poll 60 percent of newspaper proprietors are considering ways to charge for online access. A quarter of them are ready to take the plunge. Those who gather their daily news and information from online newspapers now stand at 30 percent.

Hot off the Press

Of the UK Times and Sunday Times 20 million plus users, 500,000 are now dependent upon their online edition and the gap will close further. Plans are already in place to charge for the privilege of reading the Times online editions. Freelance journalist, Sandy Collins, doesn't see a problem or fear for his job. "Some of my best stories have been blue pencilled out by hard copy newspapers because with limited space available the advertiser is king. Online publishing is a no-brainer. Everyone wins."

He adds: "Newspaper proprietors' costs are cut and their readership reaches a worldwide audience potential. As a journalist I now send my stuff to my online editors, knowing that if it is not published, it was not a space problem. If work is accepted according to merit then of course this must improve news quality. It must also improve opportunities for writers."

Collins says his online newspaper proprietor has an insatiable appetite for fast turnover of quality and originality. "He wants my take on breaking news now, not next week or next month. What I produce in the morning is being read by the public hours later. You don't get much fresher than that. A recent report of mine had 7,000 readers within hours of my blotting it." Hard copy has gone the way of typewriters. Typewriters! What are typewriters? ©

Tips for Writing Online News Articles

Writing news articles for online publication is different than writing other types of online articles or blog posts. News pieces have to follow similar journalistic standards followed by print publications. They have to have attention-getting headlines, great leads and they have to deliver thoughtful, relevant and detailed information in an entertaining way. That's a lot to expect in 400 to 700 words, the average length of a news article. The following tips will help you when you are writing online news articles.

Headlines are the first thing your reader sees and should make them curious. They seldom involve a complete sentence. The headline is a fragment, a string of words meant to get noticed and pull the reader into the story.

The term lead comes from the fact that it is the leading sentence in the story. It is the introduction to the story. It here you either hook your reader or lose him. Leads should be no more than 35 words and no more than two sentences. It tries to encompass the Five W's of journalistic writing - who, what, when, where and why - while putting the most important details foremost in the sentence.

With a strong headline and a good lead, you can pull the reader into the body where the real guts of the story are. The paragraphs of the body from an inverted pyramid, with the most interesting or relevant bits contained in the upper paragraphs and the back story or underlying information offered in later paragraphs.

Paragraphs should be kept short, three to five sentences each. Internet readers grow bored quickly. Long paragraphs are daunting to them and they will quit reading. Limit each paragraph should to just one idea to help keep them short.

As with any type of writing, editing and revision are critical. Spell check your work. Check for punctuation and grammar. Double check the spelling of names. Avoid contractions and words like "that" or "next." Always write news pieces in third person.

It is important to cite sources. Check with the site that will be publishing your work. Each site has its own rules for how cited sources should be handled. Some prefer them listed at the end of the article. Others prefer the sources to by hyperlinked to relevant words in the article. In online news pieces and print articles, it is a good idea to have multiple sources for your information. If a source is questionable find another, and another. If you are uncertain, leave the information out.

Using News Headlines to Promote Your Retail Store

News is around us all day every day in this world of mobile twenty four hour news coverage. From the serious to celebrity to quirky, news is more accessible than ever before.
Retailers have an opportunity to tap into this twenty four hour news cycle and leverage it to their commercial advantage in a number of ways.

The most passive and simple way is to place a large flat screen TV within the business and thereby provide customers with access to current news. This is a boring and uncreative approach to leveraging news. But it works for many businesses today. It can show relevance and provide entertainment for customers who are browsing or waiting for service.

The are far more creative ways to leverage news coverage to drive traffic and sales for your retail store. Here are some of them to get you thinking:

Recreate a news event in your window. Connect with a major news story, from today or in history, which connects even vaguely with your type of business, and recreate a scene in your window.

This needs to be a scene which is readily identifiable to the story and based on a story with mass appeal. The display needs to be eye catching - either for its authenticity or with the creative and bold take it represents of the story.

What you want here is a window display which generates excellent word of mouth, which brings new people to your shop window.

It also has to be the type of display which can work for at least a couple of weeks, so that you get a reasonable return on your investment.

React to a story. If there is a local story about a person or group in need. Consider creating a window display which appeals for support. Use your business as a focus point for drawing attention to the issue and raising funds.

Your commitment demonstrates your care for causes and your preparedness to use your business for issues for the greater community good.

The window display could lead into the store with engagement through donation collection, education of shoppers or some other form of practical engagement to promote the cause which is the focus of the story.

Focus on people. Celebrities in the news could be relevant to your type of retail business. If so, consider an interactive engagement.

For example, consider hosting your own red carpet look alike fashion parade around the same time as the Oscars or Emmys. This promotes the fashion business and provides an opportunity for a bit of local fun.

No matter how you connect with a news story, do it in a fun and professional way. Choose stories and events which speak t you, your customers and the commercial needs of the business.

Measure the benefits delivered by your engagement and learn whether this approach is good for business. If so, consider new story related events four to six times a year. Become known for being topical and creative. This will drive great word of mouth for your business.
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