Saturday 26 March 2011

Diamond Minds, Metro Europe - Libya Wants In!


When we see and hear leaders of Europe on a British television, it is refreshing to hear such diamond thinking. What they say has great and good events coming at us, even through all the gloom of the moment. They speak to a delegate from Russia, and from Serbia, and we hear of their amazing brilliant thinking. Their minds are of peace and so beyond those of the warrior man from Russia and the man from Serbia. The man from Russia, we know, is there as ethnic bully big brother Slav to protest that Kosovo wants to be an independent state, as the population is 90 percent Albanian, not Serb.

As with elsewhere we can think of, Serbia insists that Kosovo is their core and heart, and their heart will not beat without it. And we can recall that a decade ago tanks from Russia did arrive in Belgrade, and we all bombed around them, so to speak, until, mercifully they drove back to Russia. That was when Ivan the Bear was weak and poor. Now his vaults are spilling surplus from the oil and gas to Europe, he is expanding, getting more angry.

And, as always Emperor Fudd of America, blasting his huge gun at everything in the forest except Bugs bin Laffin, wants to set missile sites closer to Moscow. The sites in Turkey are much closer to Iran, so why this provocation towards Russia? Uncle Sam the lesser says to point at way far away at Iran, you understand, Ivan. Ivan does understand all too well. And the vacuous lump of coal in the brain of our leader, who seems to take us for the fools he shows himself to be, as leads us closer to a new unneeded, not affordable fire again. Compared to his diamond of a father, who helped bring down that wall, and ensured peace on earth in his time,a lump of coal followed a diamond.

But give the devil his due. With all that the horror George Bush has inflamed in the mid east, we should all notice how in one way, he stumbled over another terrorist problem he did not yet have in his sights. But one brilliant mind sensed he soon would, and that was a mortal enemy until recently of the west. And I refer to how the world did get at least this one benefit out of the hell of Iraq. It is fact that once long ago, Ronald Reagan had amazed us with a rocket attack on the personal home of the leader of Libya. It killed several of the leaders of the family, and terror actions easily linked to Libya began to go down.

To me, Ronald Reagan's proudest hour, when he amazed us all with his God like strike at this man linked to recent horrible attacks at a nightclub in Berlin. If Germany not dare slap, America could, would, and did speak of the sanctity of life and those who mock it. And every American, and many others, whatever their unrest at other Reagan policies, stood tall with Ron. As Reagan looked into the eyes of the camera, and right into the eyes of that man who had missed this missile attack by a hair, and you knew would be watching for Reagan's words. He had just felt his sword. And when Ronnie said "You can run, but you can't hide", we all knew we had Clint Eastwood after a bad guy, and it felt good to be on the side of right.

And now, while George Bush has just cost the 4,000th American life, as well as the looting and loss to humanity of precious artifacts of the earliest civilization, why not go home. This British independent panel of leaders of the mid east has generally agreed that American safety decreases by the hour. Mission accomplished, go home. When weapons of mass destruction were no longer the point, at least there was was satisfying scene of Saddam down in his hole in the ground, pistol in his lap, surrendering quietly, to extend his grand life just that little bit longer, I wondered what that leader of Libya was thinking. A brilliant mind, long so full of anger at the west, saw himself soon, coming out of some hole he had better plan better than Saddam.

And within weeks, Libya had announced that it was denouncing all weapons of mass destruction, and that it dismantling a modest nuclear project it had been working on. It wanted to join with the west in building to the future. American oil giants, including one who had quietly been in talks about their oil rights in Libya, long put on hold, could re apply for exploration. Such discussions have begun. So this is a positive, and leads back to our point.

Those European gentlemen at that table in Europe, startled the Serb and frightened Ivan the bear when they saw not only Serbia and Kosovo inside the EU, but all those last bits down there of Europe, on their way to Istanbul. And they caused much amazement when they said they could see, a greater wide Europe, including north Africa as with Rome, sea to sea to sea. And this forward thinking is led in part by the fact the the one rotating presidency of Europe this year is the first time held by the first of old Yugoslavia to meet standards of civilization and rule of law to join Europe.

And what about when the rotating presidency of Europe requires a first leader from north Africa, their turn, usually one they would really want in, such as one with massive unexplored oil reserves. So who suspects no longer skulking, but emperor clad, a Libyan Caesar for one whole new year, the President for the Year of Europe. How the mind reels, to imagine that terrorist for decades, so eager to live, could be Charlemagne and Caesar and Churchill for a year. He could wear robes like Caesar, but behave godly, or love of Allah, like Aristotle. And we see that as diamond thinking, and we saw it's creation from a hellish lump of coal. Allah, and God, can be merciful. Now President Duck, quack back home. Mission accomplished.There is no Sumerian artifact intact, that world is on fire for years, go home.

The President of Metro Europe has the authority of the voices of this wonderful new democracy. Did you know that Libya has the greatest Roman palaces outside Rome, as it was the winter spa for the Emperor of Rome. Who, long before Caesar, was a man born in Libya, and liked to feel rich at home, even his winter retreat. It could make a great winter office spa for those sniffling bureaucrats in Brussels. That that should help that ball along. The cameras are now showing these amazing palaces and great halls, as the rusty door of freedom creaks over. No more Attila, no hat of Napoleon. All hail democratic Caesar, who only gets to speak what we all agree!

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