Tuesday 29 March 2011

Curb Your Enthusiasm for Headlines and Breaking News

The next time you see a headline proclaiming a medical breakthrough, think of this ancient Latin expression: Cum grano salis. It means with a grain of salt. That expression started because salt used to be very valuable. And, it was in high demand as a food preservative, as a poison antidote and a taste enhancer. Salt was relatively scarce at one time. It also was thought to have healing qualities. Now that's a laugh, since in modern times it kills those who overuse it for long periods by raising their blood pressure. But, to urge taking one thing or another with a grain of salt still means to look upon an object or proposition with a healthy dose of skepticism, suspicion and caution.

Thus, where headlines and modern-day carnival barkers on TV send a message of urgency or proclaim a breakthrough, remember cum grano salis. It's easy to get excited at some of the headlines in daily newspapers, especially those heralding new research findings. The media does this in part to sell newspapers or get you to tune in. Maybe it's done in part by editors in newsrooms who simply don't have time to read the full studies. In any event, I've noticed a serious disconnect between the promise and the reality in announcements about the latest research findings on health matters.

If you think you are easily fooled, you might be. I recommend an attitude of bemused skepticism at all times, but particularly with regard to newspaper accounts of the latest discoveries from medical research. Don't put too much stock in these unlikely headlines, at least not before you read to the end of the stories or check out the articles in respected journals. Adopt the perspective of Sherlock Holmes, namely, Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left, no matter how improbable, has got to be true. Thing is, once you eliminate the impossible AND the improbable, there is seldom anything left! So, don't be an easy mark for nonsensical things, whether they be headlines in newspapers or sensational stories. In the latter category are the Indian Monkey Man scare, the Loch Ness monster, Big Foot, space visitors in New Mexico, the Yeti, trolls under bridges and the candidacy of Sarah Palin for any public office, let alone president of the United States. Tooth fairies? Well, that's something else - there might be a tooth fairy, because where else could that nickel have come from that I discovered under my pillow after a tooth extraction long, long ago?

Instead of credulity, put your faith in things solid, reputable, virtuous, wise and above suspicion, such as the typical essay in an AWR. These essays are filled with startling conclusions and partially-baked opinions founded on irreproducible findings, inspired hyperbole and medicated data intermingled, intertwined and occasionally intertwixed with subjective experience. How can you top that? On several occasions, these reflections and surmises have been shown to contain elements of truth, however elusive veracity in the health and medical field can be. REAL wellness perspectives always work, and that is the best measure. If forced to choose between statistical methodologies or utilitarian discoveries, you are usually better off with the latter but, fortunately, the choice of positions is always wider!

I was thinking along these lines the other day when I came across the headline about a research project in the conservative Wall Street Journal. The article described how a popular pain reliever might protect against Alzheimer's. The headline, however, hinted that a CURE for Alzheimer's might have been found! This gave the impression that a breakthrough was at hand, that cheap, over-the-counter pain relievers such as Advil and Motrin seem to prevent the body from producing a protein that in turn causes brain-clogging deposits in Alzheimer sufferers.

The study described how scientists, over a four-year period, noted that some people who take large amounts of ibuprofen and other non-steroidal, anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) meds seem to be at less risk of developing Alzheimer's. These findings were supported by colleagues who worked with cells taken from mice that had been genetically altered to have a disease similar to Alzheimer's. However, the best that could be stated by the scientists, as opposed to the WSJ headline writers, was that this association could one day lead to new treatments that reduce the formation of brain deposits, or plaques, without toxic side effects.

That was the best that could be said of the study results. Wait till you hear the worst! The researchers also stated (this was discussed near the end of the WSJ article) that further studies would take years and that the potential benefits of the drugs have been subject to experiments only in cell cultures and laboratory animals. In fact, doctors were warned NOT to prescribe high doses of NSAIDs as a way to prevent Alzheimer's! The doses used in the experiments were equal to more than 16 Advils a day - enough to cause problems almost as bad as Alzheimer's, if you can imagine that. These hazards include kidney damage and severe gastrointestinal ailments, either of which can be fatal.

The lesson? As noted in the beginning, adopt an attitude of bemused skepticism and learn (and practice) the key REAL wellness skill of effective decision-making.

Be well and look on the bright side. If you find that hard, consider this: We share 99.6 percent of our active genes with the chimpanzees. We are more closely related to chimps than rats are to mice. Knowing that, how could you possibly take yourself so seriously as NOT to look on the bright side - while curbing enthusiasm for any side, of course.

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