Friday 29 April 2011

Child abuse in the News - What do we learn?

In the last few days and weeks there have been some sensational stories in the news, that bright light shone on issues of abuse and neglect. The sorrow of a child adopted sauce hot and cold showers, the increase of child trafficking around the Super Bowl, a physician, of child rape and sexual assault has been accused of and undercover sting operation, even with child prostitution, last week.

All have triggered a strong reaction of the public. The case of adopted children from Russia punished with spicy sauce, provoked an international response and led to accusations of child abuse.

In response, we have seen a public apology. We have seen the moral indignation. We have seen the denial and defensive actions. We have all too often the label of "bad" parents saw. We saw the blame for the failure of system down. And we even saw the refusal of some to acknowledge what happened clearly in front of them.

But what we have not seen is an overwhelming response of people to take action to prevent the occurrence of such situations in the first place.

We have seen the responses shocked, but not the desire to prevent abuse. It seems there were many: "This is terrible, but it just is not solve my problem" mentality.

The only exception is in Delaware. And we can all learn much from what there doing.

In response to the highly publicized case of a child's doctor of rape and abuse of more than 100 of his patients of the 6,500 children additionally charged with other cases of abuse and neglect reported to the State Department of Services family in 2010, people in the Delaware action.

More than 900 doctors, nurses, lawyers, social workers, law enforcement agencies and child advocates gathered for a mandatory training and recognition of child abuse. Summit participants learned more about how to recognize and treat child abuse and the large number can grasp it during the lifetime of a person who was subjected to the abuse. The Forum provides a forum for professionals around the state to come together and learn to do more.

one that increases the penalties because it is child abuse report - but that goes well beyond the state has taken steps in that several bills included in a law. All new laws are designed to strengthen the protection of children.

So what can we do? A lot.

The aspect of history to the history of our television and computer screens tell us that abuse is a very real problem in our society. He tells us that "big" stories strong public outrage and disbelief spark.

But we also know that we take steps to change it.

It is no longer acceptable to sit and shake his head a task that seems difficult to overcome. We can not be affected and the public debate about child abuse after the fact. We do not have that luxury.

We, as do the State of Delaware must take steps to prevent these stories before they happen. Before our children were injured. Before their lives affected forever. Children in our communities need us now.

The stories in the news tell us to recognize that people are more likely to thrive in our communities, we must all recognize and are to be child abuse. Whether physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect - it just is not so acceptable to happen. At all.

Increasingly recognize that protecting children requires every person in every community - not someone else's problem. It is the responsibility of each individual.

So what do we do next? Get involved. Each of us can work to our sphere of influence, things to happen.

There are over 900 children advocacy centers across the country to prevent the hundreds of resources and respond to child abuse have. One example is the National Children's Advocacy Center in Huntsville, Alabama, where model programs and initiatives are developed and disseminated to communities in the United States and around the world.

We can be responsible in our communities. We can raise public awareness about these stories and others like them, and then use the momentum to raise awareness further and do more.

It is possible!

Saturday 9 April 2011

59 Report on Hoodia Gordonii weight loss supplement


While there is certainly nothing wrong with staying in contact with the outside world through outlets like the evening news, it's sometimes just the titles that create it in our living room and unfortunately it s not always the whole story. This was the case with Hoodia Gordonii Fox News story that 59 of the number of dietary supplements that have claimed arose, this rare ingredient, Hoodia Gordonii, areas that will help you lose weight quickly and safely run.

Although accurate, the media sometimes obscure facts to bring you all the stories and with a little extra research, you can use this information to ensure that you are fully informed.

Fox News has 59 absolutely right when she says that the market will be added for weight loss with counterfeit Hoodia Gordonii overpopulated and it is important to know whether you order properly authentic Hoodia Gordonii find you get the value for your money and get the results . Fox News also has 59 law, as they reported that counterfeit Hoodia Gordonii have been on the ground. They reported that it important to check whether the Hoodia is coming, and to ensure that the country was South Africa.

If this is true is still very vague and say to verify that you need, whether it is a CITES certificate to be reduced. The certificate you get an exact location where the Hoodia is exported from and you'll know whether it is in South Africa.

Fox News 59 was also right when she says that by checking the ingredients, you can see what he says, "100% Hoodia Gordonii," and if it says you can be sure that you have the real thing. But there is a catch, too. The fact is that only a certain part of the plant Hoodia Gordonii can be used and, although she will say "100% Hoodia Gordonii," and fully disclose the list of ingredients, if not the appropriate party system is worthless as with other ingredients in it for the filling. To ensure that the only part of the Hoodia, which has been added to your extra weight, he has seen a drug P57. Then you can be really sure that the right look for 100% Hoodia Gordonii you!

Authentic Hoodia Gordonii is also appropriate medical support that is easy to check. If you are looking at various hoodia products, it should tell you the laboratory where it was tested. If the laboratory is Alkemist Pharmaceuticals, and you can view the documentation on their website, you can also make you a real Hoodia product. It is also important to check the price, but not in the sense you may think.

In the case of genuine Hoodia Gordonii, it's very expensive to extract and export it for distribution. For this reason, to put a very high price in exchange for this rare ingredient into account. The chances are good that if a product looking for is pretty much on the price you are getting real Hoodia, but of course consider any other options that you only authentic Hoodia Gordonii.

Want to learn more about the appetite suppressant? So please visit our Web site at http://

Friday 8 April 2011

News sources credible


Recently, Keith Olbermann, on his MSNBC show, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Fox News quoted a "worst person in the world." He claimed that Fox News Channel is unashamedly right-wing propaganda. He also noted that Obama, in a recent television interview (the same interview also revealed that the incident went flying by now infamous, in the swatting to press reports, on MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN and elsewhere speaker shows flying his "outstanding skills ") states that at least one news channel is devoted to undermine his government at any price. Olbermann suggested that the President based on Fox News.

Back in the day when the Republicans in both houses and the presidency, a period that could be well controlled in history as an age today or Dark Reign of Terror, the Fox News was seen the bastion of credible news. So much so that all other news agencies are terrified even to their authority into question.

Fox News, the Australian media entrepreneur Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. has had started on the premise that conventional sources such as CNN and network news on the principle of a subtle cultural bias left operated by education and social resultant its journalists. The proposed solution was apparently Fox News Channel coverage of the new so-called "fair and balanced" dedicated. "Fair and balanced" was the slogan, but it turned out to be ironic. Over time, their supposedly objective reports as propaganda on the right side that was pretty blatant pandering to the Bush administration, while they were in power have been exposed.

This brings us to the new line of MSNBC. MSNBC is a news channel, which is produced as a joint venture, as the name suggests, from Microsoft (the software giant founded by Bill Gates monolithic) and NBC. Their line-up of new items supposedly shows us the alternative to Fox News, but, as is Keith Olbermann, what they really offer us by the propaganda that the Obama administration next flatters proposed.

The tragic consequence of all this pandering government and corporate bonds propaganda, which is the number one accident in the regular reporting credibility. Where's Woodward and Bernstein are now exposed with its breath-taking corruption in high places? Certainly not any Fox News or MSNBC.

Perhaps the answer, where do we find credible news source is CNN - and even with the thread facade of objectivity while hiding a subtle tension of the left - which has now appeared on the use of blogs, RSS feeds, Twitter and Facebook posts to their respective reports place completed. CNN encourages you to own home movies on the "iReport" on their website that they show on their video news show for a process of security screening and testing permits submitted. In fact, during the riots in Iran, where traditional journalists were gradually banned and deported by the authoritarian Iranian news agency sources in the west to leave Twitter feeds, blogs and amateur video of the Iranian citizens, their news sources.

This brings us to the argument that mainstream news organizations have been taken recently against the blogosphere, particularly in the wake of these recent films like State of Play, by Kevin Macdonald directed that the blogosphere is composed mostly amateurs who are out of their depth, while you are looking for advanced Woodward and Bernstein-style reporting in depth, found only in the large news organizations that have the skills and resources available to support this type of reporting.

The reality - at least two organizations apparently are important messages in the production of party political propaganda that flatters rather shameless politicians while the third is the growing blogosphere dedicated to deliver their news sources. As with Woodward and Bernstein, they are both retired and writes books for a living.

The moral of this story seems, then, that when looking for the best research journalism, past the news channels and instead you find in the blogosphere!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Brand website


If you can operate a business successfully, you will undoubtedly studied the distribution of the reasons why it is so successful they continue to be. In many cases, companies have viewed on aspects of its activities, especially how it is done and how it is sold, then the product of different brands, so that no other company or individual can for the same elements in their favour. In such cases, it is worthwhile to remember to check that what you are looking for Search Brand:

"Not a trademark of another person or other business partners

No general-use together with other persons or companies

An example of the above is the case, 1998, the two artists confronted in the courtroom on the use of a distinctive logo - the letter "G". Rap artist Warren G has tried to follow the country-rock singer Garth Brooks to the use by the letter G in his wares, said he had already submitted the letter. The case ended in mutual recognition that both the letter can be used, but led to a lot of fun on the respective claims to ownership of a letter, made the twenty-sixth of the Latin alphabet.

Another frivolous attempt occurred in 2003, Fox News tried to follow the new Al Franken in a case prompted by his lies and the book of liars who tell them: a fair and balanced you out with the right. Frank's book, a satirical parody of what he and others ire as the excesses of right-wing media in the United States, especially reserved for Fox News - a station that uses the term "fair and balanced" slogan as a network. After filing the record in 1998, Fox said she had to pursue a case francs for the unauthorized use of its brand. They tried to do this, cited as further proof that Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly has been on the cover of the book.

Fox case hinged on an attempt to prove that the choice of words are in Frank's book and use a picture of O'Reilly could be an attempt to give potential readers interpreted that Fox and O 'Reilly has endorsed the book . They were not, it would be fair to say that success in this endeavour. The judge Denny Chin, laid the case, calling it "completely unfounded both in fact and law", and the spectators in the courtroom broke into laughter more than once that Fox tried to prove Start new lawyers that Al had tried francs, potential buyer to believe, to deceive the book came with the blessing of Bill O'Reilly. Judge Chin, in its rejection of the Fox case, that the term "fair and balanced" can not reasonably be trademarked, because the words are used so frequently in the society, every day. It will therefore be instructive to take the case, if you highlight a word or phrase that they would not be wise, this is no good reason.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Logic knows no boundaries, even when it comes to national security


The recent turmoil on the right measures TSA stringent security measures should not be surprising, staggering as it sounds. When conservative commentators calling Afghanistan "Obama's Vietnam" at the very beginning of his presidency, even before he began developing its strategy of war, I realized that there is nothing to do what he can to avoid hypocrisy and malicious attacks from the right. say I liked it when in theory, even if Obama were to adopt conservative policies, the capture of bin Laden, to kill all members of Al Qaeda and open an era of eternal peace, would the Conservatives painting nor him as soft on terrorism, a friend of terrorists, indecisive, and obsessed with the extension of big brother.

It is the story has confirmed to me. The law he was mocked for the implementation of many measures so-called conservatives, such as tax cuts, a program of struggle against terrorism, warmongering and helps small businesses, based on Bush's No Child Left Behind insurance pools create risk to reduce costs in health care and the organization of a bipartisan committee budget deficit . Nothing else matters. The claim that is an exception, that the Republicans by an overwhelming majority for the war in Afghanistan, but to make true, succeeded them, so in a way that the president's plan it opposes to criticize for the development of an exit strategy and a commitment to withdraw its troops as quickly as possible.

In this sense, refers to the New York Times Op-Ed "politicization of the airport security", describes how secure this form of logic FOX News in the pseudo-debate on the TSA's efforts, our airports play. Mike Huckabee has called scanners and pat-downs "unconstitutional" boldly presented against the President, his family to the intrusive procedures, and Governor Rick Perry of Texas thinks TSA agents are held to the Mexican border at airports.

In addition, a popular conservative talk says that we racial profiling instead of "degrading" practices implemented currently in use. This idea was is to be Huckabee, Pete Hoekstra, chairman of the House Committee on Intelligence in January, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin accepted. The latter, one of the most shameful America has ever produced, articulate its support for profiling with Twitter, the Times wrote: "TSA: why two people not politically correct" profile ": security issues, we Natl profile buy private / suspects in other situations Profile!. "

I characterize these "concerns" as FOX News logical because they are shamefully inconsistent and / or truth. Although there is a genuine debate about whether the behaviour of the TSA is unconstitutional, it was just as unconstitutional before Obama became president? While researchers could more often today, the constitutional argument as strong or as weak as it has always been, and the question has never been a major concern for the Conservatives as Huckabee was.

What prompted Rick Perry T.S.A. Priority to securing the Mexican border, the airports, to mention the fundamental absurdity of such a proposal, the government has current 20,000 border guards used agents (compared to 9,000 in 2001) following Bush Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, the 2,000 new officers per year since its introduction. Moreover, Obama has not only confirmed that the total number of orders while reducing the cost of the program, but also 1,200 soldiers of the National Guard for additional help.

The line of racial profiling is particularly funny because apart from being obnoxious, the TSA has already begun in profiling, as the Times said.

As always, the real problem is that the conservatives do not attack Obama. There was a time when politicians realize that national security should trump petty politics. But when the Republicans openly partisan resistance START Treaty with Russia also confirmed that ideal, as the existence of moderate Republicans, is a thing of the past.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Juan Williams, Fox News, NPR, and a PR disaster


Whether you agree or disagree with the firing of NPR's Juan Williams, as he declared all the ingredients for a public relations disaster, and it could have been avoided. Fox can now NPR accused of censorship and trampling on freedom of expression point.

It always seemed like an unlikely marriage to a commentator on NPR as visible on Fox. Both media companies are diametrically opposed view on most subjects. It is interesting to see Williams try to walk the tightrope between the two on foot, but it never seemed like it would take so long. Now suddenly it's over.

Juan Williams is financially very well. Fox News on Thursday granted Williams a new multi-year contract worth nearly $ 2,000,000. He is now a greater role on the cable news channel and its Web site. Two million dollars is more than most NPR stations, and come as this part of the media has to keep many NPR stations, their fundraising, which means no good. Many listeners on both the left and right by what they angry as an instinctive reaction from NPR.

Perhaps they were waiting for a chance to dismiss him because NPR has apparently taken issue with many of his appearances on Fox for a while. However, they could turn on him, expired or could have suspended him for a test. Williams said he was "outraged" and "heartbroken" by NPR's decision to release him after more than a decade as a radio host, correspondent and analyst. He also said he stood by his remarks and said they were taken out of context from NPR.

The storm began with the appearance of William on the O'Reilly Factor. While on the program, Williams said: "But if I'm on the plane, I must tell you, when I people who are dressed as a Muslim, and I think, you know, they identify themselves first as Muslims, I am concerned will see. I am nervous. "Later in the same interview, Williams denied the suggestion that O'Reilly" said Muslims attacked us on 9 / 11 "William, he was wrong to generalize about Muslims in this way

According to NPR, Williams was repeatedly told that some of his statements on Fox violate the basic rules of NPR for their news analysts. "We have clarified our policy for Juan in conversations and warnings, and he continued to violate our principles," said Dana Davis Rehm, NPR spokesman. "If a State Analyst on a topic Our feeling is that they undermine their credibility as an analyst."

In this case, how and not what is the question. The media have been perfect storm could not work better if Fox Roger Ailes himself had staged. It is a thought. Fox could not have paid for better care. They position themselves as defenders of freedom of expression and Williams will present his new expanded role, the best PR-branding campaign. NPR On the other hand is facing a PR nightmare. NPR certainly has the right to deny Williams, but the fact that, even if they are part of the media, even if they misjudged how the media would react such action is not only confusing, disturbing.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Evidence Claims Best Video Ever Ghost of Afterlife


Strongly encouraged in an area of ​​spirituality, claimed Fox News won 8 Cleveland shot a video in a cemetery in an appearance in the eighteenth century. The video can be seen on FOX 8 News home page.

Although skeptics and believers endlessly complex nuances of digital images and hoaxes argue, the account is further evidence of the endless fascination of America with the supernatural.

For the most part, but it will be only a superficial examination. As Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) so aptly said: "Unable to overcome death, sin and ignorance, men have decided to be happy, do not think about these things."

In the Scriptures, writes Peter something less tangible from a different perspective for him proof of the eternal things. To his audience of the first century, he writes: "Although you do not like to see, and even if you do not see it now, you believe in it and filled with unspeakable joy and glory" (1 Peter 1:8).

For authors of the New Testament, was considered far more than a physical reality that could be captured on film. By Paul himself: "I pray also that the eyes of your heart so that can be informed that you know to invoke what is the hope he has" (Ephesians 1:18).

In fact, by the various biblical metaphors used to describe the spiritual life. Jesus said, lost and found to be the dead and risen, and at least one man said, blind but now can see.

Each of these attempts to explain the unexplainable with the boundaries of a language. Jesus himself spoke of a kind of knowledge that comes from experience. This does not mean that all experiences are equally valid, but he spoke the truth, something that was closely linked to the procedure known to live in his life.

The point of each of the authors of Scripture is that God is knowable and immanent, as Tennyson said, "the closer she is breathing, and nearer than hands and feet."

For believers, is what inside that matters most. This is a life that is completely new and it is a rest and a faith that can not be shaken.

It is obvious to people like CT Studd, who writes: "Some want to live in the sound of a bell in the chapel, I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of Hell."

Ultimately, the best evidence of the eternal things is not something that can be caught on tape or seen with the naked eye. Instead, the best proof of all a change of heart, what it means to be truly free means white.

A former priest who is now a full-time writer and theologian of all time amazed by the grace and love of God and believes that every heart is fulfilment, peace and joy in revealing the mystery found in Christ, all outside the religion. His website is

Friday 1 April 2011

College Rape Crimes Exposed

Once we lived in a safe time when you could walk the streets without being afraid, leave your doors unlocked, and never worry about someone breaking into your daughter's bedroom at night while she slept. Women's self defense was not something we had to keep in the foremost part of our mind. Those times have gone and the new era is one fraught with worry for the safety of our daughters, granddaughters, and sisters.

College crime is high because this is where the predators can come to shop, hiding behind the pretext of an education. This is one the biggest gatherings of females in one place where the twisted mind can peruse to his heart's desire until he finds the one.

Did you know that 13% of college women are stalked for periods from six to nine months and most do not report being stalked. Right along the same lines is the amazing fact that only 5% of women who are raped reported it to anyone. 42% do not report it. Too many times college crime is not reported for fear of being ostracized. This is definitely not like high school but the vulnerability is still there.

With the statistics showing that one in four college women are victims of rape or have been a victim of an attempted rape, sexual assault awareness is essential. This is not to scare anyone or to conjure up nightmares to keep you up at night, but plain awareness is the only way you can hope to be safe.

Knowledge is your best offense to a crime that has escalated to extreme proportions. Not only are women being raped, but some are losing their lives after the rape has been committed. The only way to be safe is to be on your guard. Keep something with you at all times, whether it is pepper spray, a whistle, your cell phone, or anything that you can think of that will allow you the time to either get away or get help.

Keeping a police number on speed dial on your phone is a good idea. All you have to do is push one button and send it straight to the police. Never hang up after sending the call. Try to keep an open line so they can hear what is going on at your end.

One thing every woman needs to do is learn some type of women's self defence. There are many things that you can do to cause pain to a would-be assailant. While he is trying to figure out what happened, you can be a block away.

By being aware of what is going on around you, the edge you need is there. You can sense if something does not feel right. That is your instinct telling you to pay attention. Never put it off as something silly. You are the best judge of your own feelings. If you do not trust someone, there is usually a reason. It does not matter if you know the person or he is the friend of a friend.

You need to stand up, be strong, and let them know that you are someone to be reckoned with, no matter how small you are. The only difference between a large person and a small person (a man and a woman) are the weapons the small person plans to use to protect her position. Everyone has heard about evening the odds. This needs to be done at all times and in any way that you can.

A mind-boggling 84% of college men who had committed rape said that there had been no rape. Do they not get it that if a girl says no, it is rape? One of the reasons that so many men get away with this crime is the fear that rape instils in women. They are afraid that the person who raped them may not go to jail. They have seen lawyers for rapists try to make it the fault of the woman in an underhanded method to get their client off scot-free.

Fear is a mighty deterrent. With the increasing college crime incidents, more rape than not, it is time for women to use some of the fear they have to learn how to fight and turn the tables on their attackers.

Many colleges are becoming more involved in their student's safety by providing sexual assault awareness classes, women's self defence classes, and all around information about college crime. This is the way it should be at all colleges.

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